Name: Tobomas
Date: Fri Sep 20 06:59:42 MDT 2002

How interesting that this Antistoicus and his wacko 'Christian-pagan' dictatorship want to welcome "Catholics" and other Xtians into their happy fold yet have 'banned' Wiccans. I suppose that he also agrees with the latest attempts by leading Catholic LORD DAVID ALTON to re-float the Satatic Abuse Myth in the UK parliament too then? He must do as Alton is only speaking the usual anti-occultist credo of a Church, which Antistoicus and his misled chumps want to welcome with open arms.

Incidentally Antistoicus, this silly habit you have of posting TWO of the same entery at the same time is very tedious and smacks of insecurity! One entry should be enough for anyone - or is it that you just love the sound of your own voice?

Name: Antistoicus
Date: Fri Sep 20 13:26:47 MDT 2002

Tobias - the only thing that my 'double posting' smacks of, is the difficulty I've had proofreading when using these forms in Lynx. Unlike you, I very much do care about making sense, and when I inadvertantly leave behind a typographical error that obscures my meaning, I go back to correct it. Unfortunately your system ... er, I mean CHU's ... won't let me delete the earlier, flawed copy, much as I would like to. But, what is really, if Tobias wants to rant, right?

Name: Antistoicus
Date: Fri Sep 20 13:29:21 MDT 2002

Tobias - the only thing that my 'double posting' smacks of, is the difficulty I've had proofreading when using these forms in Lynx. Unlike you, I very much do care about making sense, and when I inadvertantly leave behind a typographical error that obscures my meaning, I go back to correct it. Unfortunately your system ... er, I mean CHU's ... won't let me delete the earlier, flawed copy, much as I would like to. But, what is reality, if Tobias wants to rant, right? ... (See what I mean?)

Name: Antistoicus
Date: Fri Sep 20 13:44:48 MDT 2002

Tobias - I have no idea of who this "Lord David Alton" person is. As hard as the British seem to find this to accept, the UK is something of a backwater these days as far as world events are concerned, and your local events are rarely mentioned in newspapers elsewhere, because nobody cares any more. Given the low value I've seen you personally place on the truth, however, not merely once but on a repeated basis here, I wouldn't be inclined to take your word about what the man said.

Web Site: Why We No Longer Schmooze (yes, it's copyrighted)

Tobias - pretending for a second that our invitation policies are any of your business, which they are not, I would point out that once again, you've distorted the truth for the 'benefit' of those who haven't seen our site, yet. We do not accept Catholics as members, we accept them as guests. Why not? They've been perfectly courteous visitors, on the whole. No Catholic visitor has ever phoned in death threats to us and our families, or otherwise harassed us. Very few have proseltyzed.

I've never had a Catholic visitor throw a tantrum because he wasn't allowed to continue creating a disruption ... and I can't say any of these good things about our Wiccan visitors who, on the whole, have acted like vicious, closed-minded spoiled brats, in severe need of medication. Look at how you and Gertrude went off on me, in response to a simple statement of opposition to hatred for hatred's sake. That is the sad reality of normative Wiccan behavior.

Web Site: Where we differ with Wicca (yes, it's copyrighted)

Gertrude - glad to see that you're not resorting to name calling. You are confused, however. I didn't say that I looked down on people or Pagans in general, I said that I looked down on you, specifically. Why I would should be clear to any reasonable visitor. Now, try to comprehend this : "Pagan", "Wiccan" and "Occult" aren't synonyms for each other. You keep acting as if they were. Why should a Hellenic group be under any special obligation to admit Wiccan guests?

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