

About #Christian Trivia World

We take the Bible very seriously, as the inspired Word of God, and have worked very hard to ensure that all the questions and answers are as accurate as possible. All the references are from the KJV (King James Version), NIV (New International Version), and NASB (New American Study Bible).

The Bible is one of the world's greatest books. It is a bestseller, has had a far-reaching impact on human civilization., and had encouraged and inspired millions of people throughout history.

#Christian Trivia World chat room is a good place for educational and fun. A new and exciting way to discover the fact about the Bible. It can be used in simply for entertaining reading, playing trivia and gain more knowledge about the word of God. 

What unique about our room and facts is its variety. All the questions covered include Jesus Christ, important Bible characters, significant events, geography, music, food, love, war, money, gardening, animals, crime, punishment, miracles, angels, dreams, the list is virtually endless!

The questions are designed to challenge every age and ability. Some questions may seem easy, such as, In which town was Jesus born? or Who was said to be the wisest king in the Bible?  Others may be a bit more harder, like what was the name of King David's third son? or What was the name of Queen Esther father? Some may be more challenging, like which  book, chapter & verse says "I am not ashamed of the gospel"? or what does the scripture says in Romans 10:9?

We provide so many countless fascinating facts in our educational and fun chat room #Christian Trivia World

Be intrigued with the information you will discover! As you visit to our chat room, you will no doubt be surprised, shocked, and even humored by the facts you will uncover. Laugh! and enjoy the scripture that God has given us. Nurture your sense of humor.

Let us encourage one another with the knowledge and experience that studying the Bible develops in us. It is full of practical ideas for happiness and purpose in the life, as well as promises for the life eternal.

While you personally enjoy the material you discover in our chat room #ChristianTriviaWorld, share it with your friends and family. Our room is intended to be used by groups of people as well as individuals.

We hope to see you there!


Quick Thanks & Recognition

To Moonbeam (co-founders of #ChristianTriviaWorld) & our channel op Angel_0I for their inspiration and support, humor, help, and dedication to our channel. Many thanks to all of you who participate in our channel and challenging project, and to all our visitors and players. I love you all very much!   

To Live Is Christ To Die Is Gain

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