The love of my life...


Our story.....

This page is dedicated to my fianc�e Christine, but I rather call her 'my Chrissy'. We met on the Internet, at ICQ, on December 3rd. 2000. As usual it started with just talking about things in life. It was late at night and I wanted to go to bed when she contacted me. The days after I was waiting for her to show up, and on December 6th. we talked and talked, even on the phone. For hours and hours, it was just wonderful. We became more than just friends, we fell in love. We planned that Christine would come over before the end of the year. And she got here on December the 28th. and went back to England on January 4th. Our hearts were broken when we were parted again. Of course we talked about being together again when she got home and we planned to be together on Valentine's day, the day we got engaged. My daughter and I were there for a week and we got back home on the 21st. of February. Christine and her son will come over to Holland next time and all we want is to be together forever. And that will happen soon. We can't wait and we both want the same: happiness in our lives. For us and for our children. And we will be happier than ever, sure we will...

I thank my daughter for changing my ICQ settings accidently (??) because otherwise I'd never met the love of my life...

It's March the 14th. now. I booked another flight for next Friday to visit my baby again. We'll be together a whole weekend, just the two of us. Mmmmmm. Just doing nice things together. Like going out on St. Patrick's day on Saturday. We both look forward to that! I'll put some more pictures of our engagements party on this site soon.

March 24th. We had a wonderful time last weekend. We did things together like going out, shopping etc. But it was just for a weekend, so it went too fast. Chrissy and Carl will come over in about two weeks. And they'll stay for two weeks at my place. I think that is wonderful. To be together as a family. And just doing things that you like to do, like having family nights... I didn't take that many pictures, but you can see one here.

April 9th. It's early in the morning. Tonight Chrissy and Carl will come over from Hull to Rotterdam by ferrie. We're both getting excited. Yuri and I will pick them up in Rotterdam at the dock. They'll arrive early, at eight o'clock in the morning. A long trip, but they'll stay for two weeks, so it's worth... Of course I'll make pictures and put them on this site. To see some, just click on the picture below to view them all.

Sunday, May the 6th. We talked on the phone for hours lately. We miss each other more than ever. It hurts to be parted, but it's also romantic. It's nice to look forward to our next date in June. I already booked the ferrie and we'll see each other soon. We will get married some day and then we can be happy together for the rest of our life. Chrissy, my baby, I LOVE YOUUUU!!!

Tuesday May the 22nd., just two more weeks without seeing each other. It hurts a lot, for the both of us. It is too long without being together, and this was the last time thay occurs, because I booked the ferrie to go over in June and also for July. And hopefully Christine will be able to come over for two weeks or so in August. I'll go over to England again in September. We want to get married and to live together in October, we are working on that, both of us! I'll keep you informed about everything...

Wednesday, June 13th. We've been together for eight days again. I got back home yesterday. This being together was just wonderful, we went to Blackpool four days. We had the time of our life there. We booked a nice hotel and got back last Monday. I'll put some pictures on this site soon, it's just a matter of time... :-)))

Our first time together

Our engagement

We were together for two weeks again...

We are sooo happy together...
Click on a picture above to enter.



Pictures of our unborn baby you can find here.

©Christine and Hans, May 1 2004.

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