US Congressman Bob Goodlatte

Chairman of Agriculture
2240 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-5431
(202) 225-9681 fax

Chairman Porter Goss

US House Permanent Select
Committe on Intelligence
H-405 U.S. Capitol Building,
Washington, D.C. 20515
(202) 225-4121

Director of The FBI

Robert Mueller
Federal Bureau of Investigation
J. Edgar Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20535-0001
(202) 324-3000

Central Intelligence Agency

Foreign Terrorist Groups

Question of Foreign
Terrorist Groups

Question of Terrorist Organizations-& The Internet
Supports Anti SpyWare Act of 2005

Authors Introduction

This is part of a report presented to the Honorable Chairman Porter Goss in September, 2003 by certified US Mail #7003 0500 004 0318 0089 on questions involving parties obstrucing research projects in emergency management and Homeland Security related topics using the internet and so called "Spyware". Most of the parties engaged are primarily "webmasters" use their network administrative tools to impede research typically under the auspices of the "American Patriots Act" or in some cases the parties are believed to be actual terrorist or foreign intelligence operatives typically in a major university or internet hub. The materials were submitted as "Evidence & Testmony" To Congress to support creation of Anti Spyware Act of 2005 sponsored by US Congressman Bob Goodlatte

Years later is was determined that massive computer hacking was authorized by the former President George Bush Jr; former US Attorney Alberto Gonzalez; and former White House Advisor Carl Rove as a means of harassing real or percieved political enemies under color of the National Security Act.. In 2009 the incoming US Attorney General Eric Holder reversed the policy of using National Security Assets to harass political enemies or engaging in such activities without proper authorization.

President George Bush Jr

Pleads Guilty

Former Bush Advisor Carl Rove

"King Carl"
White House

Former US Attorney General

Alberto Gonzalez
US Department of Justice

National Security Agency

Public and Media Affairs

US Congressman Bob Goodlatte

Chairman of Agriculture
2240 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-5431
(202) 225-9681 fax
Topic #1 House Approves Spyware Law
Tue May 24, 1:20 AM ET

U.S. House votes to outlaw computer spyware By Andy Sullivan Tue May 24, 1:20 AM ET

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives on Monday voted to establish new penalties for purveyors of Internet "spyware" that disables users' computers and secretly monitors their activities.

By overwhelming majorities, the House passed two bills that stiffen jail sentences and establish multimillion-dollar fines for those who use secret surveillance programs to steal credit-card numbers, sell software or commit other crimes. Spyware has emerged as a major headache for computer users over the last several years. It can sap computing power, crash machines and bury users under a blizzard of unwanted ads. Scam artists use spyware to capture passwords, account numbers and other sensitive data. Spyware can end up on users' computers through a virus or when they download games or other free programs off the Internet.

"Consumers have a right to know and have a right to decide who has access to their highly personal information that spyware can collect," said California Republican Rep. Mary Bono (news, bio, voting record), who sponsored one of the bills. The bills prohibit a number of practices often associated with spyware, such as reprograming the start page on a user's Web browser, logging keystrokes to capture passwords and other sensitive data, or launching pop-up ads that can't be closed without shutting down the computer. The practice known as "phishing" -- in which scam artists pose as banks or other businesses in an attempt to trick consumers into divulging account information -- would also be outlawed.

The House voted 395 to 1 to impose jail sentences of up to 2 years. Violators could face fines up to $3 million per incident. Those who use spyware to commit other crimes, such as identity theft, could have an additional 5 years tacked on to their sentences. Both bills passed the House last year but the Senate adjourned before taking action. Similar legislation has been introduced in the Senate this year. Most spyware practices are already illegal under deceptive-business laws but federal and state law enforcers have only sued two spyware purveyors so far, one expert said. "We know that there are literally hundreds of these cases out there. Unless there's a push for enforcement, passing a new law is really only going to help after the fact," said Ari Schwartz, associate director at the Center for Democracy and Technology, a consumer-advocacy group.

The bill gives the Justice Department an additional $10 million per year through 2009 to fight spyware.

Unofficial Osama Resume

Private Citizens Using Spyware?
Topic #2 Evolution & Use of Spyware

Evolution of Spyware In 1990's as well as specialized computer virus and other processes permit any person with some cheap software to pirate websites, email accounts; passwords.....

From : Jake Seymour
[email protected]
To : Chris Walters
[email protected]
Subject : See EVERYTHING that happens on ANYONE's computer!
Date :Fri, 09 Nov 2001 PST

"SEE EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS ON ANYBODY'S COMPUTER - FROM THE WEBSITES THEY VISIT TO "PRIVATE" AOL CHATS!" Have you ever wondered what your friends, roommates, children, parents, lover or spouse are doing on the computer when you're not around? Sure you have! Maybe you have nothing to worry about. Then again, maybe you do! Wouldn't you rest a little easier at night knowing that your kids are steering clear of Websites you told them not to visit? Wouldn't you feel more secure if you knew who your daughter was talking to in chat rooms? Or better yet - if you knew exactly what she was typing in those very same chat rooms--even in her e-mails? Now you can find out all this and more!

SpyAnywhere's AMAZING Features:

Real-time Remote Keystroke Viewing View all keystrokes made by the remote user - in real-time, as they are typed! Now you can remotely view anything typed on your remote machine, just by opening your web-browser! Remote Desktop Viewing: Grab screenshots of the remote computer's desktop - allowing you to see what others are doing on your PC in real-time! Remote Conversation Viewing with SpyAgent: If SpyAgent is installed you can view all AIM/MSN/Yahoo/ICQ conversations that have occurred on the logged machine! Remote Recent Document History Viewing View a list of the recent documents users have opened! Remote Internet Connections Viewing: View a list of the current internet connections on the remote machine

Chief Chief Randy Schoen

Medford Police Department
411 West 8th St.
Medford, OR 97501
Phone: (541) 774-2200
Fax: (541) 774-2570


Disability Advocacy Social
Independent Living
29 North Ivy Street
Medford, Oregon 97501

Payback From Oregon KKK?
March, 2009

It appears the website for emergency management at was hacked as reported to Yahoo (KMM86899179V10581L0KM) During brief visit to Southern Oregon electronic warfare attacks also compromised email accounts [email protected]; [email protected], [email protected]. The State of Oregon also put website block on my resume on or about Februrary 28th, 2009. This Link reviews terrorist activities associated with this area which are not limited to such hate crimes as hanging large signs on the I-5 Interstate calling the Pope the Antichrist...

"Holy War on Home Front"
North Carolina

Forsyth County Library

660 West Fifth Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
(336) 703-BOOK (2665)

Topic #5 Andy, Barney, & Goober
& Company Discover Homeland Security

This link; This Link review the ongoing adventures of the Mayberry Madcaps-Andy, Barney, Goober, and company as they discover "Homeland Security" in the 2001-2009. We will reviews Deputy Fife's adventures chasing foreign based terrorist who are well documented to operate in North Carolina Collges and Universities going way back to the 1980's and is an excellent source guide for methodology and background information.

"Holy Wars on Homefront" by Harvey Kushner an expert on terrorism and sometime government consultant review the extensive resume of an Islamic terrorist organization which has lived peacefully since the 1980's in Greensboro North Carolina. Leaders of this organization successfully plot 911; engage in combat operations in Israel, ... and peacfully coexist in an area dominated by the conservative Christian Church for almost 25 years.

Their base of operations at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University is less than 3 miles from the office of the Congressman Howard Coble Chairman of the House Committee on Terrorism is quite a mystery. While US Goverment Officials do occassionally investigate and prosecute members of this organization such as Khalid Mohammed; Sam al-Arin; Mazen al Najjar these folks are as heavily embedded in the State University System; charities; and are government.

Admiral Yamamoto

Class of 1919
Harvard Graduate

Khalid Shaikh Mohammed

Graduated Yale?
Topic #6 Wanna Spy On the US
Enroll In Student Loan Program

Shame on you for asking your intelligence personnel to cross the US Border with Mexico and swim across that nasty river to enter the US for intelligence work. Didn't you know that 1 Million foreign students attend US colleges and Universities each year? Lacking any motiviation to educate it's own needy population in colleges the United States apparently imported over 1,000,000 foreign nationals to attend colleges and Universities at an Estimated Costs of $200-300 Billion a year.

Blowjob John

Former US Attorney General

Topic #7 National Security Used For What?

Former US Attorney General John Ashcroft spent lots of time molesting women's hairstyling publications as suggested by this link and earned the title Blow Job John for having an unnatural interest in women's fashions. Former US Attorney General Janet Reno dedicated her administration of the US Department of Justice too assassinating low income plaintiff in civil actions in USDC as suggested by this link. and earned the title Rambo Reno

Former US Attorney General

Alberto Gonzalez
US Department of Justice

Former Bush Advisor Carl Rove

"King Carl"
White House

Topic #8 Obstruction of Congressional
& Diplomatic Communications

These incidents concern apparent political attacks directed at the US Congress Congressional and United Nations communications as suggested by this link

Bill Gates

Chairman of Board
Washington State University

Topic #9 The Friendly Terrorist?

The young Islamic man is sitting behind me in the main library explaining to his girlfriend that he has nothing against me personally but has an edict to shoot my behind.

This Link suggest there maybe some merit to giving the friendly terrorist some heed. The University of Washington was also the source of a major antiwar march which caught the attention of the Bush Administration who cut the Medical School's funding by a billion dollars or so..

My general impression was that this campus was not overly friendly to the cause of "Homeland Security" so I went elsewhere

Joe M. Allbaugh,Former Director Of FEMA

"Master of Disaster"(retired)
The Allbaugh Company
400 North Capitol Street NW Suite 475
Washington, DC 20001
Facsimile: 202.589.0622
Topic #10 Eliminating the Competition
The FEMA Story

This link concerns threats involving FEMA and it's programs. While most people are probally aware that positions and opporunities in the Federal Emergency Management Agency are part of the political patronage system where lucurative employment and contracts are awarded to friends of those in power.

We also have an extensive review of terrorist activities and threats made against persons working in emergency management who apparently happened to get in the way of "vested interest". These type of activities are typical of both political parties.

US Senator Larry Craig

225 North 9th Street, Suite 530
Boise, Idaho 83702
tel: 208-342-7985
fax: 208-343-2458
Topic #15 US Senator Larry Craig Said No
You Will Be Punished!

When US Senator Larry Craig isn't busy molesting policement in the bathroom of the Minnesota airport he seems to spend a lot of time engaged in computer hacking and terrorist activities in his home state of Idaho.

The only explanation which was apparent is that the Senator took the view that emergency management programs should be of direct benefit to a Boise based provider known as Idaho Company MyStateUSA. It is probable that the Senator used his position on the US Senator Appropriations Committee to quash competition.

My States USA
1458 S. Eagle Flight Way
Boise, ID 83709

Central Intelligence Agency

Foreign Terrorist Groups
Topic #11 Question of Foreign
Terrorist Groups

This file reviews apparent subversive activities involving foreign nationals who are in various public institutions and believed engaged in activities to obstruct research related to emergency management or Homeland Security

Computer Hacking
Topic #12 Computer Hacking
Associated With Network Administrative Tools

This link review massive theft of email and web services apparently involving misuse of network administrative tools. This link reviews loss or damage to US Government Depositories because of computer hacking activities. This link review massive theft of email and web services apparently involving misuse of network administrative tools.

Certificate of Service On US Congress

President George Bush Jr

Pleads Guilty

National Security Agency

Public and Media Affairs

President Bush Acknowledges
Abusing NSA & Leads To Creatation Spyware H.R. 4661
Exhibit #7

ABC News By Jennifer Loven Washington Dec 17, 2005 President George Bush acknowledge he authorized the National Security Agency to engage in extensive survillence and covert activities against American citizens outside of the bounds of the law.

Chairman Porter Goss

US House Permanent Select
Committe on Intelligence
H-405 U.S. Capitol Building,
Washington, D.C. 20515
(202) 225-4121

US Congressman Lamar Smith

Chairman Committee On Internet
& Courts & Homeland Security
Guaranty Bank Building
1100 NE Loop 410
Suite 640
San Antonio, TX 78209
210-821-5947 fax

US Bob Goodlatte

(Responds To Website)
10 Franklin Road, SE
Suite 540
Roanoke, VA 24011
(540) 857-2672
(540) 857-2675 fax

US Department of Justice

950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001
Press Release-AP

Justice Dept. Reins In Surveillance Program

AP WASHINGTON � The Justice Department has reined in electronic surveillance by the National Security Agency after finding the agency had improperly accessed American phone calls and e-mails.

The problems were discovered during a review of the intelligence activities, the Justice Department said in a statement Wednesday night. The New York Times, which first reported the matter on its Web site, said the NSA had been improperly intercepting communications by Americans.

In its statement, the Justice Department said it has taken "comprehensive steps to correct the situation and bring the program into compliance." The Justice Department did not elaborate on what problems it found. Once corrective measures were taken, Attorney General Eric Holder sought authorization for renewing the surveillance program, officials said. Government officials have also briefed lawmakers on the issue.

Domestic eavesdropping has been a contentious issue since 2005, when the Times revealed that for years following the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the NSA intercepted international phone conversations and e-mails involving U.S. citizens without a warrant. That program ended in 2007, and the following year Congress passed legislation requiring the NSA to get court approval to monitor the purely domestic communications of Americans who came under suspicion.

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