Awards for You to Win

These are awards for you to win. I realize that most of them are Vegeta. That's okay though, because I can get more to even out the score later. You need to meet the requirements next to the apropriate award and e-mail me with the award title and your site url.

This is the worst award you can get. You need 10 pics, and 3 topics and a link to me somewhere.

The way I can describe this award is "the average site award". You need at least 100+ pics, 50+ animated GIF's, 5 normal topics and a link to me somewhere.

This is the second best award you can get. You need at least 500+ pics, 250+ Animated GIF's, 5 original topics, 10 normal topics, a DBZ message board(forum), and a link to me somewhere.

This is the best award you can get from this site. You need at least 1000+ pics, 500+ Animated GIF's, 10 original topics, 20 normal topics (meaning 30 topics total), more than one DBZ message board (forum), and a link to me somewhere.

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