The Acorns are Marching

The acorns are:
falling from the trees,
dancing in the streets,
Gathering themselves together all a march!

The Acorns are marching down the street!
Growing golden feet
Sprouting legs and arms,
turning Golden in the sun!

The Acorns are playing in the band
waving pompoms as they march!
Beating on their drums!
Blowing on their horns!
trumpets blazing out their joy

The acorns are singing as they march!
Singing an ode to joy!
Singing out of their mouths
The wonderful Dharma they employ!

The Acorns are marching into the sky:
A single moment of hearing, a single moment of faith!
As they march on down the Street
Inviting us to join them in the sky
Where they march around the Buddha in three lines
And proclaim that they will propagate the sutra to our times!

The acorns are golden,
their ears growing long and tongues broad
As a single moment of faith transforms them to on high
Where the deathless dharma is preached

Christopher H. Holte


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