The Seattle Incident


The Seattle Incident (at least ostensibly) began when a milile aged priest then known as Shin-no Abe was given the unique honor of performing the first Gojukai in Seattle in 1963. While in Seattle, he alledgedly sought a "dalliance" with two prostitutes and got into a fight with them over payment. Police were called and a local SGI leader, Hiroe Clowe "came to the rescue." The incident was buried, and but for the "rise" of the "war of words" between the Gakkai and Nichiren Shoshu would have remained so. If you are really interested you can read about it here. I've provided a timeline of the incidents and related articles(mostly because the evidence seems pretty solid to me and the Hokkeko members still swear that it was all a lie). For more on the subject follow each of the links and that should help you understand it. This has all been part of the very personal war between the Gakkai and Nichiren Shoshu.

My feelings:

She had done such a good job of covering up the incident that later when she started talking about it publicly it was almost impossible to prove conclusively that he had done anything not innocent, except perhaps doctor his diary back on that night long ago. It certainly is true that he had been pretty grateful for something done in 1963. It would be strange that someone who had been the recipient of such gratitude would then turn on him and make such a vile and "low" accusation about an incident so far in the past! Yet that is exactly what he alleged and denied the incident (see timeline). As a result the Gakkai looked for evidence to support their claims. One of the arresting officers was found and years later gave testimony that he had indeed detained a Japanese man that night. The NCIC database was searched and came up with inconclusive results.

Of course it was alleged that this man was paid to commit purjury and proof was offered because his travel expenses were paid for his trip to Japan. Every bit of evidence has been attacked savagely in press and print, and even if it stood up in court, that was enough of a figleaf to protect the faith of those who accept the near divinity and authority of the high Priest. Every "proof" that the "proof" was bogus, was countered, but enough doubt is out there that anyone who wants to believe in Nikken's sainthood (or at least his youthful innocence back in 1963) can justify that belief. Personally I believe her story was true and that there is enough evidence to justify that belief. It doesn't matter to me anyway. The rightness or wrongness of a persons teachings has little to do with behavior and everything to do with "teaching practice and proof".

For a timeline of the incident click on this link:
Seattle Timeline
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