Nikken's History of Truth-telling:

the Kitano memo

Note; this page started as a Dejanews post by Jim Celers. That original page is at kitanomem.htm. It was in response to posts, mainly by Craig Bratcher, of the "Kitano memo" and the Hokkeko feelings that this represented persecution of them by the Gakkai. I originally only added html tags, but more recently I feel I need to change the comments to reflect my own feelings more. The original post showed the "war of words" at work, not just between the authors of the original memo, but between the Gakkai and Nichiren Shoshu members who were arguing with one another on the internet. This conflict is particularly incongruous because I remember the time when the Gakkai and Nichiren Shoshu were lavishing fawning praise on one another and undying devotion. I don't think I have to point out the disrespectful tones and words on both sides of the argument. Now some Gakkai members refer to Nichiren Shoshu as the "Nikken Sect" and Hokkeko members in turn refer to the Gakkai as the "Ikeda" sect.

From: Post to Dejanews by [email protected] (Jim Cub 3D)
Date: 01 Dec 1998 15:53:35 GMT
Concerning the "Kitano Memo"

Jim wrote:

For those who pretend to have trouble with abstract thought, let's spell things out.

SGI-EU Summit with Gen. Sec. Kitano. 20/21-12-97 Villa Sachzen. :


"Currently, there are four Priests travelling in Europe, some on their way to Ghana and others visiting the Danto members to hand out Gohonzons. It would play right into the hands of Nikken if we allowed the building of a Temple in Germany or in a German speaking country. We must, at all costs, prevent that happening by utilising our combined strength."


The SGI is correctly propagating the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin. The temples are not, but are instead misleading people as to what the teaching of the Daishonin really is. It would be a great tragedy is this poison is allowed to spread among the people of Germany. The priests are making great efforts right now to do just that.


My own observation is that this sort of methodology in opposing the priests does the job [of spreading poison] just as well as the priests can do it. Also, I'm not sure how any of us can claim to be teaching people Nichiren's Buddhism unless we are dilligently doing so. Are the priests really so much worse than we are?


"Again: Somebody goes over to Danto and starts a point, but we do nothing. A line or Danto group starts and we do nothing. It then increases- regional, registered by law - and if we still do nothing then a Temple will be built. Sensei says:

"If you challenge evil, then you must decide the time and the place to destroy evil".

Basically: Choose the 'place' while it is still relatively small, and this applies equally to the 'time', ie the time to attack is Now."


Yet we, the true disciples of the Daishonin, have been allowing this poison to be propagated without making an all-out effort to refute it. By the time we do anything, they have built up their strength.


If they had been serious about refuting "evil" they would have challenged these slanders instead of "protecting" and "cherishing" the priests for nearly 40 years, and appearing to embrace these doctrines the priests were now propagating.


"...In order to destroy the overseas strategies of the Nikkensect, I want to make a suggestion to all the representatives that we start a special SGI campaign against the Nikkensect starting today to last until the end of the Tozan of 100,000 people."


So, let's change that now.


Campaigns in the Gakkai consist of daimoku, usually followed by discussion and visiting activities. So this is literally a "war of words," when the Gakkai talks about campaigning. Kitano was probably intending to visit potential converts and disaffected members, and do whatever he could to prevent these people from visiting with the priests and being won over by them. This effort had only limited success as Nichiren Shoshu now has "cells" in many of the countries in Europe. Indeed this method of campaigning probably contributed more to the rise of these cells than the efforts of the priests, as many members have been offended by the arrogant or fawning attitudes that some of the Japanese leaders employed in trying to "win them over." The priests were incompetant to win the "war of logic" on their own, it took members who deify their mentor or whom insist that they'll fall into hell for not understanding the logic they brought with them from Japan.


"...Initially and especially we should be "pro-active", in other words, be informed of all the movements of the Nikken sect and apply a practical system of "counter-action". As you have already been informed, the SGI Strategy Dept. has been founded at the SGI-Head Office. In the past, the movements of the Nikkensect have been carefully monitored outside of Japan and in conjunction with the Bureau of the European Continent, counter- activities were instigated. Moreover, the Strategic Department has been provided to strengthen this system.In several countries in which seminars about the Nikkensect were held, and guidance relevant to this was given, camapigns to win the members back were carried out. In addition, measures were taken against the Priests and Danto organisations."


The SGI is taking the spread of Nikken's [poison seriously. So should we, by supporting the worldwide movement and receiving support back from it. SEMINARS and GUIDANCE have been successful in inspiring our members to win people back from the disaster of following Nikken.


For people who chant the Daimoku and practice Nichiren's teachings, these leaders were surprisingly naive. Creating an "SGI Strategy" Department is not the strategy of the Lotus Sutra. "Counter-Action" can only be perceived as persecution and drive people to act in a contrary manner. "Winning members back" wouldn't be necessary if the SGI were to be truly run in a "bottom up" manner and had been listening to the members in the first place. Winning members back wouldn't be necessary if the SGI hadn't taught the idea that the Gohonzon only works if eye-opened, that we need the "kechimyaku" of the Law, or other Nichiren Shoshu Doctrines, in the first place. I can only shake my head at the foolishness of these sorts of campaigns. We chanted millions of Daimoku to "close the Temples." Yet, not only did the Temples not close, but they are doing better than ever.


"...we should establish a fighting spirit throughout the entire SGI organisation. There have been various activities led by the Strategy Dept. such as the campaign to win back members. As to the fight against the Nikken sect, the members in the front line - especially in the Women's Division - are aware of important information, ie the movements of the sect and their methods of convincing people. But, if we don't have a fighting spirit that is strong enough, this information will not reach those responsible on the next highest level. Or, they receive the information but neglect to pass it on to the next highest level of responsibility."


The WOMAN'S DIVISION has used INFORMATION to counter the moves of the Nikken Sect. We have to be sure we are ready to insure that this INFORMATION flows, so that members will be able to convince people not to join the Nikken Sect in time, beforee the priests have established themselves.


"...Sensei sent Mr. Kitano to Ghana with these words: "When you start to fight evil, you have to continue to the end. You cannot stop halfway. Fight with all your strength, with all your might and use All means for that fight ".


"Don the armor of endurance and gird yourself with the true teaching. Raise the banner of Myoho-renge-kyo. Draw the bow of the Buddha's declaration...."1 Oh wait - those are the words Nichiren Daishonin used to describe the fight against heretical teachings. But I don't think they are a call for violence, do you?

Nah -- I think they mean things like SEMINARS and GUIDANCE, and maybe the WOMENS DIVISION having INFORMATION.. And do I think those things violate the UN Charter? Of course not.

Since it seems to be the season for pointed questions, here's one for "Nichiren" Shoshu:

Does your sect have seminars and guidance? Is there information spread about the SGI? Do you think you're violating the UN charter? Jim


To see the original posts:

Jim's post | Reply | Jim's rebuttal

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1. Quote is from NyoSetsuShuggyo Sho

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