Fuji Shugaku Yoshu,

The Fuji Shugaku Yoshu was a book that was written from archives at Nichiren Shoshu by the late Nichiko Hori. was translated partly into English, and is the basis for a book called the "Untold Story of the Fuji School" -- mostly to push the personal and new dispute between NST and the Gakkai. Both sides pick and chose what they like about it and then write off the rest as the product of the more ancient dispute (see sixpriests.html between the various Nichiren Groups expecially the six "main temples" located near Mt. Fuji who compose the core of the Fuji School. It also became the primary source for what came to be known as the Fuji school Sokagakkai's: "Untold Story of the Fuji School." The material was collected by the Scholar/High Priest Nikkyo Hori, who writes about it:

"The biographies are based on whatever information I could gather from stories that were orally told. Even so, the recorded biographies are miniscule in number and frequently inaccurate...it is my hope that persons of talent will emerge in the future to correct and assist me in this task." Fuji Shugaku Yoshu p180

Some of these rumours come from anti-Fuji Sect sources and may have been invented to discredit the Fuji School, but they also came from disagreeing parties within the Fuji School seeking to establish claims vis a vis one another. Ancient rivalries persist to this day between the lineages established by Nikko's disciples. Nikkyo Hori wanted to The archive the various stories to put together a full picture of his school. I think also as an admonition against the triumphalism and self-righteousness of some of the priests within it. He knew he wasn't going to find more accurate information. And consequently he recorded what he had, he edited older scripts that were written by Nissei Shonin in 1662. Some in the Hokkeko would like to dismiss this work as pure lies. But it isn't. It's in that older category of literature known as "legends" that derives from that even older human endeaver known as "gossip."

"Nichi-u, the 9th High Priest of Taisekiji, who died of leprosy...."

see Dai Gohonzon | Fujischool.html | Nichiren Shoshu Literal issues

Footnotes and sources

Originally a series of posts on alt.religion.buddhism.nichiren. I saved the post when dejanews was dying out of fear of losing the information in it. I needn't have feared. I have re-edited it to become this page. You can read the original debate here:

  1. From the "Fuji-Shuo Gaku Yoo Shuo" (Fuji School of Studies V.5 p.39)
Further readings:
Temple Issues
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