The following letter was written by a young Korean woman named, In Mi-ae. In Mi-ae sent this letter directly to an American Veteran after reading his story that was published in a local newspaper in Seoul, Korea. The following is that letter which was sent to the Veteran in America. In Mi-ae would like to express her gratitude to all Veterans of the Korean War.

Dear Tony,

Hello, I am a Korean female with three children. I was deeply moved to write to you after reading your article which appeared in the Korean Herald dated June 25.

As I was reading your article sentence by sentence, my heart was beating and my eyes were getting wet. It was almost a shock to me for two reasons; I have never heard of or read a story like yours in which dreadful fear of war lasted a man throughout his life. And I was very sad that so many foreign soldiers died and suffered for the sake of the unknown land of Korea during the Korean War. How sad their families were, losing their beloved sons, fathers or husbands! If they fought and died for their own country, they would have been honored as heroes. I don't even want my husband to give up his life for my country.

In fact, when I was a college student 20 years ago, I wanted to say thanks to the veterans who dedicated their lives and youth in order to save Korea from the communist invasion. Then I thought that I would write a thank you letter to America after I got a fairly good command of English. Time passed by and still I thought that I was not able to do that.

However, that morning came like a destiny. I happened to read your article which struck me again. I thought 'I must write NOW, before it is too late as the veterans are getting older.'

Here are my thanks and gratitude. Without your sacrifice Korea would not be as it is today. I can't thank you enough in English. I wish I could bow down before you. You are much more than a hero. I think God used your service and endurance to save more souls like me. I do not know why you were there when you were but you have made history in my life too.

I was really sorry that you still have nightmares. I know well how painful a sleeping problem is. I pray that you will have a good night's sleep tonight and for more nights to come. I also pray that you forget all the bad memories and enjoy your life. From now on I will remember you in my prayers.

Thank you very much and God bless you.

Sincerely, In Mi-ae

Used with permission
Previously published by THE VILLAGER

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