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MeThanks, MeListens!

marc - 09/09/00 07:48:23
My Email:[email protected]

Hi! Me say sorry for intruding to your site but me say you have a cute smile.

Rob Schick - 04/10/00 17:15:03
My Email:[email protected]

Loved your web site. I am a programmer in USA. I am 37 yr old white male. I will send you some pics of me. It's only fair right. Ha Smile You have traveled alot. I was in Philippines a month ago. Learned to SCUBA dive in Davao. Hope we can become friends!!! Write soon< Rob

daimos r. - 02/19/00 06:38:07


ronnie - 02/10/00 19:39:05
My Email:
[email protected]

very nice web site. u remind me of u look so young and hence u have travelled so many places. i'm in the us navy, have travelled so many places but took them all for granted. i'm a little bit wiser now. enjoy life to the fullest and maybe somed y u can visit my web page. family? later...

Dreadless Rasta - 01/29/00 02:50:43
My Email:[email protected]

Nice site! I really like the nodding dog. He kicks! Click the Lion, catch the Vibe!

Ozoomagain - 10/04/99 03:59:07
My Email:
[email protected]

You got an interesting and wonderful web pages. Keep up the good work. Hope to talk and see you someday. Please do write me coz i just want to make friends.

Ron - 09/22/99 07:32:21
My Email:[email protected]

Just surfing, I think you are pretty.

Benjamin Sabio - 09/02/99 17:38:26
My Email:[email protected]

Hello Chona. That's quite a website you have. I am totally impressed. Keep up the good work!Well, thanks for the opportunity of checking out your website. I have one, but unfortunately someone is working on it. I'll let you know when it's ready. OK, gotta go. Hope to see you soon? Bye. Benjie Sabio

Glen Peladeau - 08/11/99 00:04:28
My Email:http://[email protected]

Hello, Kamusta ka? Nice web page! I like the dog, very cool. I am from Worcester, Massachusettes, USA on the other side of the world. Darn! If all the nice girls like yourself are in Milan I am going to have to visit one of these days! Mabuhay, Glen E Peladeau P.S. : I am on yahoo, look me up "Noshinobi"

anjum sheikh - 06/09/99 08:49:16
My Email:[email protected]

fine good would u like penpal i have also yahoo pager take care

Phebe - 05/02/99 09:33:16
My Email:[email protected]

i would like to get to know you better in time as you seem to be a real nice person. You have a cute smile so dont lose it, keep smiling always. Please keep in touch with me and I'll definetely keep in touch with you too. Until next time take care and sta cool. love as always, Phebe

Sammy P. Pascual - 04/30/99 03:41:05
My Email:[email protected]

Hi Chona, Good day to you! Ferdie gave me your website and told me to sign-in and I hope you don't mind. So, how's your carrer? I hope you achieve whatever dreams you have. Just don't be so workaholic, everybody needs a break, ok. Have a nice day! Sam

cAt - 04/29/99 13:55:20
My Email:[email protected]

d'rez chona, hi there. im impressed by ur good works in such a great web site. im dying [(inside 2 hold u...) --im listening to a song presently] 2 posses ur incredible mind that made such a lovely work of art. u have inspired me to do things that are similar to r work but as try as i might, i could not copy such creativity. i know that u must have worked so easy in doing this, so i have decided to tell u what i feel in seeing such marvelous display of art. urs truly... cat ;p/;) smile!!!

kai - 04/27/99 14:34:09

its nice to see all those baby pics.. :)

Paul - 03/28/99 18:44:10
My Email:[email protected]

Hello Chona! I loved your web page. Your very photogenic. Ciao! Paul

Allan - 03/26/99 17:27:53
My Email:mailto:[email protected];%[email protected]

Chona, I had a nice time viewing and reading the things written on your webpage. I even copied some parts of the things you put on the website including your pictures. It is really nice to remember the past events of our lives to pursue even more meaningf l tasks in the future. I really enjoyed your website my friend.

abe - 03/01/99 10:24:50
My Email:[email protected]

Nice world you got here ! Hope you don't mind if I sign in your guestbook. Your poetry is admirable and real cool. I'm not really good at sending greetings throught the internet... but I could at least try now to have more friends.If you are wondering h w I got your address, well, through a friend of mine from PCU. He was describing you to me and I thought ... lets see . Well you really are something, cute and poetic. As for me I work here as an administrator and I enjoy my job. It gives me a lot of o portunities in meeting people, personally at least, not like this - in the internet. Well, so much for the "comments" 'till next time.

Kevin - 02/13/99 09:26:18
My Email:[email protected]

I enjoyed your delightful web pages and the thought that you put into them. I'm working on a web page for the TV station where I work. Do you have any tips that might be useful? Thanks, Kevin

Kevin - 02/13/99 09:26:45
My Email:Kev_In_Cal

I enjoyed your delightful web pages and the thought that you put into them. I'm working on a web page for the TV station where I work. Do you have any tips that might be useful? Thanks, Kevin

frank - 02/12/99 19:10:29
My Email:[email protected]

it,s been fun looking through your website your words for your family were most touching i,m sure you will be the same with your chidren have fun frank

al ray gesite - 01/26/99 00:32:43
My Email:[email protected]

interesting website!

vic - 01/25/99 13:43:51
My Email:[email protected]

You're such a beautiful lady... want to see you personally.... p.s. don't get scared when you see me...

andy - 01/19/99 17:38:26
My Email:[email protected]


Albert - 01/17/99 03:28:47
My Email:[email protected]

How nice your webpage is! Yes, what you wrote are the qualities I see in you. Keep in touch. albert

Mario R. Carlos - 01/08/99 11:40:02

I like your webpage. It's great!

jon2 - 12/26/98 09:15:07
My Email:[email protected]

great job..finally i got to see your web page.. great pictures..especially my favorite w/ the dog. keep it up. i hope you had a nice your email also..thx....happy new year...jon2

danny - 12/14/98 13:18:14
My Email:[email protected]

your truly beautiful

Ashburn - 12/13/98 07:23:57

Hi Chona, I find your web page very cute and funny. I have a friend Tutti who says the same thing. We promise to always visit your page for more pictures of cute dogs and pets. Take care, Ashburn

Lawrence - 12/12/98 20:15:10
My Email:[email protected]

Nice and it's cool especially the pix.Keep up your good work.

Lawrence - 12/12/98 20:14:57
My Email:[email protected]

Nice and it's cool especially the pix.Keep up your good work.

Vince - 11/24/98 19:28:10
My URL:http://wwp.mirabilis.com22538022/
My Email:[email protected]

wonderfull sight, hope to get mine going soon. I be back for many visits don't forget Arf Arf Art see you soon.

Tom Rodriguez - 11/23/98 04:19:32
My Email:[email protected]

You shouldn't put your address. Very dangerous! There is too much info about yourself. Anybody could use the info about yourself. The color of your web site is like an anemic in sight. Change to either lighter color. Add other subjects like - geothermal, what is its purpose, etc. Make your web site sort of an information w/you being the author. In this way, browser could research on materials about geothermal. OK!! Called you up Sunday - Nov. 22. It was just your answering machine. Didn't bother to let say anything to the machine. Take care. You hear me!!!. Tom

Norreen T. Gerona - 11/18/98 08:05:12
My Email:[email protected]

Impressive webpage! The effect is colorful and artistic. Beauty kasi ang owner problema eh dugong nga lang. I suggest you put something outrageous and huge pictures to attract more surfers! Cool talaga.. it inspires me to create one. Well done!!!

elmocalderon - 11/15/98 17:25:16
My Email:[email protected]

Chona, the poems and the homepage is as beautiful as you are. haha. i can sense this aura of beauty from within you. keep on going. Elmo

Jun Tapanan - 11/13/98 04:15:37
My Email:[email protected]

I like your webpage particularly the arrangement of the photos. Pls. add more especially on your travels. You're photogenic. I hope you enlarge your photos.

Pordur Arason - 11/12/98 09:29:44
My Email:[email protected]

Hi Chona I have looked at your poetic pages, nice! I ran into some Java error messages during my surfing. I have now been working for two years at the Icelandic Meteorological Office. My work is mainly on data quality control, and operations of over 170 Met observation stations in Iceland, both automatic and human. I like my job and it is higher paying than at Orkustofnun. Best wishes, Pordur

Benedikt Steingrímsson - 11/12/98 09:14:49

Nice homepage Chona. Say hi to Sammy and others. Hope Sammy has recovered from his visit to the cold. By the way we have ice and little bit of snow in Reykjavík this morning. Best regards Benni

Jeanne - 11/11/98 06:48:24
My Email:[email protected]

Hi! I happened to come across your homepage through Steve and Suk Cales. I am also a Filipina and I am from Zamboanga City. I also love travelling but I haven't travelled to any place yet outside the country. I don't have any resources to allow me to trav l. I am 20 years old and I am working as a teacher in college right now Well, your homepage is cute, and you are very cute! okay, this is all and I hope to hear from you.... Regards, Jeanne

Mark Aitken - 11/08/98 20:02:01
My Email:[email protected]

Nice job Chona. Nice poems and pictures. And I just love that GREAT smile. Keep up the good work and happy travels. mark

Steve Cales - 11/07/98 21:17:39
My Email:[email protected]

Chona, I love your homepage. I will surely put in my favorites folder and visit it often. Cute title too, "Me Thinks, Me Listens." See ya at The Asia Travel Club. Steve

Kiyoshi Mukawa - 11/07/98 16:07:47
My Email:[email protected]

Hi! My name is K.Mukawa.I am very nice to meet you on your home page.I just happen to know you through Yafoo club ,Asia travel.If you do not mind,please write me.Bye

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