
My watch broke today but I already anticipated it and my new one will be here soon http://www.science20.com/news_articles/concentrative_or_nondirective_meditation_which_does_science_say_works_better-136401
I have been doing short focused meditation for almost 2 years daily, but this article and other sources on no directive meditation is inspiring me to do long freewheeling sessions and possibly incorporating a silent mantra
rainbow rainbow rainbow


Set up a YouTube account under the name "groovychakra"
Hoping that I will be able to upload videos of meditation
Going to cycle through using all 9 glasses open eye visualization
Starting at 30 minutes twice a day Will go up more than there


Today I decided to encorporate rainbow into my wardrobe
First I bought a rainbow Bob wig
Ordered chakra color therapy glasses for 60% off for Black Friday
A rainbow backpack, rainbow combat boots, rainbow thigh high socks,
a rainbow shawl, two rainbow watches (analog and digital)and a rainbow beanie.
I would really like to get a rainbow poncho but I think I can make one from fleece.

I am hoping this will brighten my winter and also get me used to wearing more than one color.


I am a solitary practicing wizard

My wizard skills currently are:
*magic entity creation - can see the same figure at will in mind with eyes closed
*self created 13 card tarot spread
*sigil charging with focused intent
*reading of others using their sun and moon, rising and Venus signs
*reading future events by dice

Once I has an out of body experience where it felt like my consciousness saw Everything and how small I truly am in the scheme and I was relieved

I saw blue glaciers rising and falling around my field of vision and when I came back the first conscious thought I had was of a golden man statue

The only thing I remember saying to my girlfriend and the time when I came back was that "I didn't matter and it's okay, it's a good thing" but I was mostly just crying

This is my public magical diary