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e*Memo: a replacement for Memo Pad

e*Memo is a replacement for Memo Pad which comes with Palm devices. You can use e*Memo free of charge. e*Memo includes just one enhancement: an option which move recently used memo on top of list automatically. `e*' means `e + wildcard'. So `enhanced', `essential', `elementary', 'enchanted', 'electric', 'elegant (!)', 'enjoyable'etc. :-)


Introduction: How e*Memo began

I'm a heavy user of Memo Pad. The only feature I've been missing is `Move recently used record on top of Memo list'. I don't need other bells and whistles. So I made it for myself.



System requirements

PalmOS 3.1 or greater.


The latest release is 1.07.

If you agree with the notice and disclaimer which described later of this page, you can get e*Memo from here. (e*Memo plug-in for diddlebug-2.15, diddlebug-2.17 is included as well.)

MD5( 4d7cff45540e12be83afdadd6207fa34


Some hints for developers

I'm using following tools to develop e*Memo (and other palmwares).

SDK Examples are just examples. It seems that they are not same as the applications on released OSs (i.e. actual devices). So you should test your modified application extensively as you do with your other original applications.

I strongly recommend that you should test your applications with the latest version of POSE and debug ROMs (at least PalmOS4.1's debug ROM).

Also I recommend that you should test your applications with Gremlin. You should achieve 1 million gremlin without error on debug ROMs. In my opinion, some warnings is tolerated. (e*Memo achieved several million gremlin with POSE 3.4 and PalmOS 4.1 debug ROM.)

prc-tools-2.0 has a critical bug: crash on exit. To avoid this, you should upgrade prc-tools to the latest version or link your code with _GccReleaseCode() function included in the latest verson of prc-tools. If your application is multi code segment one and if you don't apply this workaround, your application crash on exit after the app is launched from flash ROM or flash module springboard.

Note: _GccReleaseCode() is public domain code. It is included in the patch for diddlebug-2.15 as well.


I thank 3Com Corporation or its subsidiaries very very much. To allow the modification of SDK examples and the release of the modified application.

And of course, many thanks go to the contributers of gcc, binutils, prc-tools, POSE, OpenBSD, NetBSD, pilrc.



This software is provided by the author ``as is'' and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the author be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.

Comments, suggestions, and donations are welcome.

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Last modified $Date: 2004/07/24 03:25:47 $

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