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e*Mail: a replacement for the built-in Mail application of Palm OS devices

e*Mail includes very minor enhancements to the built-in Mail application of Palm OS devices. It can be used as replacement for built-in Mail. You can use e*Mail free of charge. `e*' means `e + wildcard'. So `enhanced', `essential', `elementary', 'enchanted', 'electric', 'elegant (!)', 'enjoyable'etc.



Introduction: How e*Mail began

I had been using the built-in Mail application for reading and writing e-mail while I'm going out. The built-in Mail is a useful application, on the other hand it's a quite simple application. I was beginning to think that I wanna some features it lacks... So I decided to make a replacement for myself.



Known problems

currently none.

System requirements

PalmOS 3.1 or greater.


For m100 and m105 you need MailStub (a stub application to enable e-mail HotSync for m10X). YOU MUST LAUNCH e*Mail AT LEAST ONCE BEFORE FIRST HOTSYNC AFTER INSTALLATION of MailStub!

Tested on the following configurations:

And I tested on various debug ROMs with POSE, tortured it with various Gremlin Hordes.

I've got reports that e*Mail also works fine with the following devices:

I'd be happy to receive your reports.

Some people use ProxiMail with e*Mail.
BUT you can no longer download ProxiMail. You can use the precursor to this program, Top Gun Postmain instead. Thanks, Mr Wayne S. Mery @ Lehigh University for the info. (2003-08-06)

I'm using and pilot-mail (with my local modification) which comes with pilot-link.

And recently I'm syncing with OutLook 2000. (2001-10-16)

I've got a report from a user of Dataviz Mail. e*Mail works fine with it. (2002-02-22)


The latest stable release is 1.5.9. (If you are using m100 or m105 you need MailStub for e-mail HotSync. AND YOU MUST LAUNCH e*Mail AT LEAST ONCE BEFORE FIRST HOTSYNC AFTER INSTALLATION of MailStub!)

If you agree with the notice and disclaimer which described later of this page, you can get e*Mail from here.

MD5 ( = 019b9755313f6bcc34caad6076c9c89b
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (NetBSD)


Mailing list

mailing list for announcement of updates, new release and other important information about e*Mail from me. To join, just send an empty message to [email protected] .


ToDo (including dreams)


Firstly I thank Palm, Inc. and its subsidiaries very very much. To allow the modification of SDK examples and the release of the modified application.

And of course, many thanks go to the contributers of gcc, binutils, prc-tools, POSE, OpenBSD, NetBSD, pilrc.

And here is the people who sent me valuable suggestions and bug reports. I appreciate very much. Thanks.



This software is provided by the author ``as is'' and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the author be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.

Comments, suggestions and donations are welcome.

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Last modified $Date: 2005/07/23 04:30:54 $

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