
Profile of Jilin Millenium Menu of Manzu & Han Nationality All-in-one:

Assorted Food World-known Manzu & Han Nationality All-in-one Assorted Food is like a resplendent pearl in the treasure-house of Chinese Food and Drink Culture. It's derived of Manzu minority courses and Han nationality courses at the early of Qing Dynasty .After discarding the dross, and select the essence ,it became famous during Kang and Qian times of prosperity in Qing Dynasty. It was showed to be substantial and profound by being popular both in the palace and among the people for four centuries. It's not only a valuable historical legacy of Chinese cooking and human civilization, but also the profile of the food and drink culture and cooking skills of that times.


With the coming of twenty-first century, flourishing market and tourist trade has promoted the food and drink culture rapidly. To respond to the call of perfecting Ji Food by the government of Jilin province and Jilin city, we proceed to study Manzu minority Food and imperial Food of Qing Dynasty. With the help of modern ingredients, technological process, aesthetics, nutriology, and fit-keeping theory, we bring forth Jilin Millenium Menu of Manzu & Han Nationality All-in-one Assorted Food. It's made up of six tables of dishes(altogether three hundred ninety-ninetycourses). GUOTAIMINAN(means The country is prosperous and the people live in peace).JIXIANGRUYI(means Good fortune as one wishes).     


FULUSHOUXI (means Felicity , Handsome ,Emolument ,Longevity and occasion for celebration)ùù4.WANSHOUWUJIANG(means Many happy returns of the day to eternity). ZHONGLINGYUXIU (means keep all the refined things in one).


GUOSETIANXIANG (means Hellen of Troy). In this menu more than half of dishes is from Manzu minority Food, because we lay emphasis on special local ingredients in the Changbai Mountains and Songhua River Valley (which is the original place of Manzu minority). We not only make a good choice of four main local dishes and featured local specialties emerged in the recent years, but also we make Han nationality Food of different period and local specialties more featured on the table. Manzu & Han Nationality All-in-one Assorted Food has really been typical of the fine essence of Chinese Food & Drink. Otherwise in order to enhance the visual and hearing effects of the feast, retain nutrition of the food and keep our guests fit, we have a tentative try about five flavor (light, ant, deep-fried, crisp fresh), six taste (sour, sweet, bitter, tingling, pungent, salty), co ordination of seven colors (red, orange, yellow, green, light green or blue, blue, purple) choice of utensils (gold ware ,silver ware, jade ware, lacquer ware ,earthen ware, porcelain, bronze ware),application of cooking methods, style of dishes, atmosphere of feast, dress and personal ornaments, decorations, methods of service, Chinese specifications, knick-knacks, lamplight, music, dance, and so on.


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