Fun Facts

The purpose of the Chicago World's Fair was to commemorate the 400th anniversary of 1492 Christopher Columbus landing in the New World and "to tell the story of the world's progress through those four centuries." The Chicago World's Fair provided a showcase for new inventions, new products, different styles of architecture and art, and numerous exhibits to cultural understanding and tourism. The mix of culture in one place led to the fair being a very interesting topic in history.

    Fun Facts
  • The entrance fee was only 25 cents
  • The fair lasted six months and attracted over 27 million people
  • The fair inspired Disney World and EPCOT, as Walt Disney's father
    was among the workers who constructed the Exposition
  • The fair ended on Columbus Day (October 30, 1893)
  • Each main building represented the 10 themes of the fair
  • Columbus was remembered by a display of a full size replica
    of the Pinta, the Nina, and the Santa Maria
  • The original Liberty Bell was brought from Philadelphia
  • The fair used 12,000 electrical lights, all power by Nikola Tesla's invention
  • President Grover Cleveland and his cabinet arrived at the opening ceremony on
    the steel-clad yacht Dolphin which steamed between the two lines of warships.
  • Over 1,000,000 flowers were planted to delight the visitors
