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The Final Fantasy Music page!

Last updated April 2, 2002

You are listening to the theme of the Falcon,
the airship that belonged to Daryl in FF3.

Check out my Millennium Wish List!

My prayers to all those in New York, Washington D.C., and Pennsylvania who have been hit by the worst terrorist attacks on American soil. May you be strong in this unprecedented crisis.

Welcome aboard the mighty Falcon! This special airship travels the world over, collecting and sharing information about Final Fantasy music with the world! I can also point you in the direction of other great Final Fantasy and anime pages. I am Daryl, captain of this airborne vessel, and I welcome you aboard. Enjoy your visit! ^_^

April 2, 2002: I've been mostly messing around with my library, which has gotten a bit heavy for this airship, and so it has been relocated to its own server! Check it out at! You can still access the site here on Geocities, but I will eventually be taking it down.

I've been puttering around in my library so much that my other routine tasks have been neglected, and now I'm actually doing them. For one, I've changed my email address, so if you see any links on any of my pages with my old address, please let me know!

I'm trying to start up a list of sites that have MP3s and midis of FF music. I know there's a ton of them out there, but for the life of me, i can't name any off the top of my head. ^_^ If you've got any links to recommend, please e-mail me!

The ship is still a bit cluttered (after *how* many years of flying on the 'Net? ^_~), and I really must start moving things into rooms. But enjoy your stay, and as always, I am open to comments about my ship! ^_^

The Library. Find detailed information about Final Fantasy CDs here.

The Study. Here is where I go whenever I have a fit of inspiration to write something concerning FF music. Wish I could actually *write* music. ^_^ Find my latest project here: I began re-writing some of the FF vocalized songs in English! Read what I've done so far!

Wanna buy the FF3 soundtrack? Did you know there are TWO (yes, two!) versions available? (Actually, there's three, but we won't get into that right now...^_^) Clear up the confusion and check out my FF3 CD page!

Three FF piano collections were released, in which certain songs from the game were beautifully redone on the piano. Check out scans of the music at Mike's page. Unfortunately, he accidentally changed his main page layout without meaning to, so there are currently no links to the scans...if he still has them up. *_*

Wanna sing along with the FF vocalized songs, but can't read Japanese? Go to The Opera House for the lyrics in romanji!

The Loading Dock. Ready to take off for a new site? The Falcon can drop you off at suggested places. And let me know if there's a place here you think the Falcon should include on its list of stops! ^_^

My very own fanfic page, dealing with Final Fantasy, ChronoTrigger, and other RPG's!
Check out my Final Fantasy CD page, which has information about every FF CD every published! (Well, almost....^_^)
The Yellow Wave is here to reign supreme!! Check out the Yellow Wave homepage!! (Still running under test mode, though...^_~)
The N64 RPG Dream page by CalJar!
A great page to learn more about Final Fantasy and Square Co.!
The Square Co. homepage!
Get more info about the Final Fantasy Mailing List, of which I was once a member... ^_^

Go to my main fanfic page, my fanfic links page, my Ranma 1/2 page, or my main page
Unfortunately, my old myecom address no longer works. Until I can set up a new email address, I will not be able to receive messages concerning this site.

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