Monday, 17th March, 2003.

Monday it was off to Dreamworld for the day. We spent most of the day with the tigers at Tiger island, but because of the large amount of photos we have of them and the rest of Dreamworld, I've placed the tiger photos on the next page.

We got to watch Blue's Clues live!

Carly and Wayne ride the train.

Then we wandered off to the Australian wildlife sanctuary section, Carly wanted to see a koala but she was asleep by the time we got there! Oh well, here's a pretty bird....

and a couple of fresh water crocodiles...

After Carly had woken up she had some fun on the rides at Nickelodeon, she especially liked the carousel.

Then she met SpongeBob!

Back to the wildlife sanctuary where Carly patted a couple of kangaroos...

And then we all jumped in for a photo of the koala, and Wayne got to give her a cuddle. The Koalas name is Lisa, and she was born and raised in captivity. (Safety disclaimer! Never ever try to pick up a wild koala, they have very long sharp claws!! And you should also never approach a wild kangaroo.)

On the way out of Dreamworld we were lucky enough to meet Chucky and Angelica from the Rugrats!



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