USCF Scholastic Council—Bio-Sketches



Ralph is a career educator who has been a tournament player for 42 years, a scholastic coach for 30 years, a tournament director and tournament organizer for 21 years.  He was co-organizer of the 1990 National High School and the 2001 SuperNationals II in Kansas City.  He has been a member of the Scholastic Committee since 1989.  He is currently co-chairperson of the Scholastic Committee/Council for the fourth time.



Dewain Barber has been a member of the Scholastic community since 1974.  As a teacher at Buena Park Junior High he formed a chess club that is still active.  He retired from teaching in June 2000 and has pursued a business career.  He was on the Southern California Chess Federation Board of Directors for 20 years and has been a member for many years of the Scholastic Committee.  He is currently on the Denker Committee involved with the tournament for High School Champions of each state.

He is a recipient of the 2000 USCF Scholastic Service Award and the 2002 Special Service Award. He is also the author of the free booklet, The Guide To Scholastic Chess.




Many of you recognize my name either because of my chess research or because I run the Castle Chess Camp, the oldest (22 years) continuous chess camp.  I have served as the Executive Director for the American Chess School since 1991.


I learned to play chess in 1958 at a Boy Scout winter camp, and it was love at first touch.  I started teaching high school in 1966.  By 1968, I was taking my students to USCF rated tournaments, forming chess leagues, running chess events, and had even established a chess class that met during the school day three periods per week.


About a year after I was hired to create and implement a program for gifted students in Bradford, I received approval of my Title IVC grant proposal and started my first major chess research, which ran from 1979-1983.  Click here to read a summary of this study.  


To review my CV, click here.  To visit the American Chess School website, go to


P.S. I currently serve as webmaster for this site, but I am looking for someone to takeover.  If you have an interest, please email me at [email protected].


Women's international Master and USCF Life Master.  Beatriz Marinello learned how to play chess at the age of 13 years old and became a Chilean National Women's Champion for the first time at age 16. Beatriz was an active chess player, organizer and chess journalist in Chile prior to moving to the United States.  

Since Beatriz moved to the US in 1990, she participated in four US Women's Championships and has represented the US in two Women Interzonals (Yugoslavia and Indonesia), also served as a player captain in the 1994 Chess Olympiad in Moscow, Russia.

Beatriz Marinello is fully engaged in the mission of promoting scholastic chess.  Beatriz Marinello was one of the chess coaches in Dalton School from 1990 until 1992.  From 1993-1996, Ms. Marinello was the main chess teacher of Public School # 9 in NYC, teaching chess as part of the school curriculum from grades K-5.  Also, she started several other scholastic chess programs in the area.

Ms. Marinello was the USCF National Scholastic Director from 1997 through February of 2000.  Currently, Beatriz teaches chess, as part of the school curriculum for all the Kindergarten classes in Horace Mann School, Westorchard School (grades K-3) and second grades in Roaring Brook School.  Also she is running after-school programs and scholastic chess tournaments.

Beatriz Marinello is a member of USCF Scholastic Chess Council.  Beatriz's mission in life is to promote and develop chess in America.









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