World Trade Center Tragedy

10 Ways Your Church Can Make a Difference in this Time of Crisis


  1. Encourage your people to distribute one of the enclosed fliers as a way of connecting with people as they try to make sense of recent events.
    1. Put your church’s phone number and address on the flier before reproducing it.
    2. Distribute in apartment buildings, in shops, and at work as well as to individuals.


  1. Mobilize people in your church to pray.
    1. Use enclosed two-page prayer guide.
    2. Organize a 24-hour prayer chain for the needs of the city.


  1. Reach out to your local police and fire companies.

a.      Most are not going home between shifts working at the site.  Go to your local station and ask what they need (perhaps toothbrushes, food, water, socks, blankets, etc.).

    1. Ask how you can pray for them.
    2. Here's Life Inner City (718-391-4500) may be able to provide necessary items.


  1. Take up an offering for to cover the resources necessary for these outreaches.  [a] Make checks payable to Campus Crusade for Christ, designated for the New York Compassion Fund (#2753370).  Send to Here’s Life Inner City, 37-10 Skillman Ave., Long Island City, NY  11101. [b] World Vision, Red Cross and other groups also accept designated contributions.


  1. Encourage people in your church to reach out to hurting people – see attached counseling helps.


  1. Have a memorial service at your church Sunday
    1. Promote it in the neighborhood surrounding the church.
    2. It gives people a place to go and the opportunity to do something to honor those who died and those who are laboring at the site.
    3. Have a prayer table, along with materials, so people can have more personal prayer if needed.


  1. Establish a prayer table in your neighborhood.

a.      Set up a table with a sign that says “Free Prayer” in a heavily traveled area.  Evangelism materials can be set out.

    1. Distribute fliers a block or so away inviting people to stop at the table.  Suggest things they might want prayer for – missing loved ones, peace in crisis, their job, family, etc.
    2. After praying for their needs, ask if they feel they know the God you have been praying to.  If they say no, ask if they would like to.  Be prepared to share the Gospel.


  1. Reach out to the Arab community.  They may need food (perhaps they have been fearful of going out).  Here’s Life has available food (718-391-4500).


  1. Reach out to the Jewish community, which is feeling very vulnerable.  Go to a local congregation and express friendship in the name of God.  Ask if there are particular needs, especially at this time of high holidays.


  1. Participate in a broad prayer effort, either borough or citywide.  Call Here’s Life (718-391-4500).


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