My name is Cherry Jane M. Jamin. Im 18 years old. I was born at Quezon City, Philippines. My birthday is on October 16, 1997. I go to school at Quezon City Polytechnic University and I am now 3rd year college student and currently taking bachelors degree in Entrepreneurship. My friends see me as always happy and kind person.

I have simple and happy family. I have three brothers and Im the only princess. My fathers name is Recoleto, he is a taxi Driver and my mothers name is Chona, my mother is a housewife, she always stay at home and taking care of her family. Miguel is my eldest brother he is always telling me that Im beautiful haha only my family said that. Gabriel is my third sibling and last my naughty but cutest ever my youngest brother Renz. When my parents is not around we are always fighting, teasing each other, but later on we are get together. I love my family so much.

When I was in elementary I dont have many friends because I am shy and introvert person. When Im in 2nd year high school I had a bad unforgettable event that my three brothers was took them to the hospital because they had dengue, my mother was the only one who took care of my siblings, because my father was on abroad. It was all quite and dark when i got home, and every night I always cried but my friend told me that crying was cannot resolved the problem. I prayed for my siblings to become well and give us strength to overcome this trial. Now my siblings are healthy. No matter what storm you face, you need to know that God loves you. He will never leave you.