Unca Cheeks the Toy Wonder's Silver Age Comics Web Site

Unca Cheeks the Toy Wonder's Silver Age Comics Web Site!


(How To Win Friends And Influence People... SUB-MARINER Style)

The Biggest Butt-Head In All of Comics History. )

Now, then: before all of you outraged Prince Namor fans out there start in with the ceremonial Pelting of the Narrator with Dried Fish Heads, and whatnot... allow me to explain what I actually meant by that... 'kay?

Although his comics resume stretches allllllllllll the way back to the fabled Golden Age of comics, itself -- with his obscure (at the time) debut within the pages of the somewhat inappropriately-titled MOTION PICTURE FUNNIES WEEKLY #1 (and only, as it so happened) -- the Avenging Son's first Silver Age appearance of note occurred in the landmark FANTASTIC FOUR #4 [see cover, below].

As the tale is told: a dispirited Johnny ("Human Torch") Storm -- having "run away from home" (i.e., the Fantastic Four's HQ), due to an unattractive and pronounced case of The Sulks -- flops into this Bowery-type flop house for the night. Whilst engaged in wrestling the bedbugs two falls out of three for his fair share of the blanket, he notices a massive, bearded figure nearby, staring off somewhere into the far middle distance.

For reasons which doubtless seemed good and sufficient at the time, Johnny uses his flame (!!!) to shear away the burly stranger's leonine mop and chin-stuff, and -- hey, presto! One long-catatonic PRINCE NAMOR: THE SUB-MARINER!!! (Just add water.) )

Quicker'n you can imitate a panicky young teenager moaning: "... dear God... what was I THINKING...?", Namor's memories all come back to him, a-rush. He then promptly... ummmmm...

... declares war on "the mud-grubbing air-breathers of The Surface World."

Yeah... that's probably the first thing I'd do, too, in that situation. )

Thankfully, Johnny Storm -- remember him? Ol' "Kid Disaster"...? -- manages to alert his FF teammates as to the horrific nature of the truly mind-boggling snafu for which he is Completely and Personally Responsible ("No dessert for you this week, Little Mister -- !"), and said "invasion" is, happily, nipped in the proverbial "bud."

However: during all of this clattering of swords against shields and heavy breathing and whatnot... Our Little Subby sets aside just enough time in his personal planner to... ummmmmm...

... declare his "complete and undying love" for Susan ("Invisible Girl") Richards: the future wife of the Fantastic Four's leader.

Just can't even buy a clue, can he, folks...?

This particular instance of (please forgive me; I haven't been at all "well," lately) "guppy love" occasioned many a repeat performance of The Sub-Mariner Vs. the Fantastic Four Show, over the ensuing years [see pictures, above], which had the net result of effecting the same sort of wonders for Namor's rep as would -- say -- a diptheria outbreak at the local Holiday Inn. Just call him "Mister Personality," by golly -- !

Not that the crowned prince of Atlantis was working and playing terribly well with other representatives of the Marvel Universe in the meantime, mind

Feeling, perhaps, that he was riding a bit too high in the popularity polls of the Marvel populace, in general... Namor also joined forces with the Incredble Hulk in a full-bore assault upon the mighty Avengers (!!!). [see cover reproduction, below]

Honestly, now: don't you think a healthy "outside interest" -- like, say, maybe stamp collecting -- would've saved this big goof entire hours of recrimination and self-doubting, somewhere along the way...?
If nothing else, however: the resultant tussle between the two tag-teams was nothing short of foundation-rattling in its implications. Namor... the Hulk... Iron Man... Thor; these were (quite literally) the four biggest "guns" in all of the Marvel Universe, at that point in time.

It was -- in effect -- the super-hero equivalent of Major League Baseball's "All-Star Game."

Throughout all of the foregoing rumbles, by the way... the Sub-Mariner was characteristically portrayed as sporting the sort of ego so breathtakingly gargantuan and indefatigable, it all but required its own separate seating whenever Namor went out to dinner.

(Hmmmmmm... sounds like some of the folks I've met while posting on the message boards online, now that I actually stop to think about it...)

No blow was ever struck, but that it was struck: "... for Atlantis! ForEVER -- !!!" No opponent ever received anything so simple and straightforward as a good, clean bop in the snoot; oh, nononono. It was: "... the full, unfettered power of THE AVENGING SON -- !!!" And stuff like that, there.

(Can you even imagine what it would be like, if everybody carried on this way? I mean: "Pass me that meatloaf, thou basest of all villains... or suffer the fearsome vengeance of the all-powerful MOM -- !!" "Never! NEVER, I say! Though the heavens may crack asunder -- I say thee: NAY -- !!!" And I don't even wanna think about what inter-familial squabbles over the TV remote would sound like...) )

However: surely the single most assinine stunt Namor ever pulled was in deciding to pummel the holy living spandex right off of...

... ummmmm... Daredevil. [See cover, below]

Yup. You're actually seeing it, all right. The Scion of Atlantis; the guy who regularly went toe-to-toe with the likes of Thor, f'cryin' out loud...

... whuppin' up on a blind man.

Even as a kid, reading this stuff way, waaaaayyy back when... I just knew THAT was "wronger" than lime-green bowling shoes, by God -- !!! )

Prince Namor, the Sub-Mariner: PAGE TWO
PAGE ONE: The Defenders


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