Chart Polski on oval track



Links to the local oval track racing results

Poland  Wyścigi Chartów

United States






Chart Polski on oval track

Chart Polski individuals have took part in oval track racing at least in Poland and United States. Also for example in Finland there have been a few oval track licenced Chart Polskis.





United States

There are two types of amateur racing in the USA. Oval Track Racing is NOTRA (National Oval Track Racing Association) based on Whippet track oval racing, the other breed (all other breeds except Whippets) NOTRA typically run on a 350 m track. Some clubs will also set up a 440 m track. A starting box is used. The title that can be earned is ORC (Oval Racing Champion), once they've earned their ORC. The Chart Polski is not yet eligible to compete in NOTRA.
The other racing venue is LGRA (Large Gazehound Racing Association) which is a 200 yard (600') straight track. This is also based on straight track Whippet racing – WRA (Whippet Racing Association). A starting box is also used, although the largest breeds like Irish Wolfhounds and Scottish Deerhounds may be hand slipped as in coursing. The title that is earned is the GRC (Gazehound Racing Championship). The Chart Polski is fully eligible to compete in LRGA and can earn titles just like the other breeds.


A few Polish Sighthounds have run on oval track – not in official events, but in practices and unofficial events only. Three Polish Sighthounds have got the oval track racing licence of the Finnish Sighthound Club (SVKL) by 2007. Usual times have been 18–20 seconds (280 m) and 34–36 seconds (480 m). In Finland the official oval track championship time for the Chart Polski is 34,00 sec / 480 m in faster tracks and 34,50 sec / 480 m in slower tracks.







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