Diseases and other problems

occured in the Chart Polski breed



Generally still quite healthy dog breed

The Chart Polski is still quite healthy breed. Hereditary diseases and other problems occurs rarely. The breed have good basic health and resistance to disease, and is easy to care in everyday life. Many serious problems – like for example autoimmunological diseases or bloat – maybe have not yet occured in Chart Polski.

However it is a bit difficult to see the overall view of the Chart Polski health's worldwide state, because so much information going by rumours from one mouth to the other, and the facts changes during the journey. Also there are a lot of false information going around the world. Any neutral and impartial quarter don't collect or share information.

Remember, that only true information is valuable!





Life expectancy

The life expectancy of the Chart Polski is roughly speaking 9–13 years. Some people supposes, that the bitches are a bit more long-lived than the males on average, but that information is not verified by any investigations. The oldest known Chart Polski has lived 17 years old, but that occurs very rarely.

The Chart Polski International has started to collect information about the lifespan and causes of death. See the inquiry form under this link. Please fill the form and send it to the Chart Polski International:

Inquiry: Lifespan and cause of death



AVERAGE LIFESPAN OF THE CHART POLSKI (according to the inquiry) *

Number of dogs included in the inquiry

Average lifespan














* Attention! Also the dogs died in accidents are included to this statistics. It may lower the average.





Diseases and other problems occured in Chart Polski

Any Chart Polski organization has not yet did or published any official investigations or statistics about the Chart Polski health. All informations coming from private sources: dog owners and breeders.

Are all different problems, defects or diseases really hereditary, always it is not sure.

Here is the list of diseases, defects and problems occured in the Chart Polski breed. The dogs' names are not mentionned. Most of these cases have been isolated only.

If you want to add something in the list, please, contact the webmaster.



Diseases and defects

Anasarca (?)



Cryptorchidism, monorchidism

Dilated cardiomyopathy


False pregnancy, strong and problematic

Hypothyroidism (?)

Kidney failure old dogs

Liver shunt (?)

Osteosarcoma old dogs


Picture: Nina Turunen




Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)

Prostate enlargement, other prostate gland troubles


Picture: Nina Turunen

Epulis, a benign (usually) kind of tumor in the gums of an 11 years old Chart Polski.

Tumors, benign

          Lipoma old dogs


Tumors, malignant, and cancer




Mental problems

Weak nerves, shyness, inappropriate aggressiveness



Cosmetic problems

Variable lenght of coat, long hairs





Health inquiries

There in the world have been at least one health inquiry done for the Chart Polski. The Finnish Chart Polski fanciers did the survey about the Chart Polski health and causes of death in 2005.

Summary of the Chart Polski health inquiry (Finland 2005)





Health examination results

It is important to support the Chart Polski breeding by some systematical and organized health examinations. The most usual subjects of the examinations are for example eyes, heart, hips or knee joints.

The health examination results of the Chart Polski





Other health projects


Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) is widely known problem in the dog world. There in Germany has started the gPRA project for all dog breeds. The organizator is Ruhr-Universität in Bochum. Also the Chart Polski people can take part to this examination.
The project concerning an ongoing scientific research on PRA in dogs. A few years ago the Ruhr-Universität has developed a genetic test for Sloughi and also for the other breeds. This international project is sponsored by German gouvernement and the person who directs it is Dr. Daniele Decomien.
Dr. Decomien and her scientific group is interested in developing also a genetic test for the Chart Polski. For that it is needed 2 samples of blood (2 x 5 ml EDTA blood) or 3 swaps (mouthwash) both from dogs with PRA and from old PRA free dogs with pedigree for seeing the difference in DNA between blind and non-blind (healthy) dogs. It has been understood that the research – for developing the test – is free of charge.

All breed gPRA project, Ruhr-Universität, Bochum, Germany




Open letter to the Chart Polski people

In our breed has occured a few PRA cases. Let's make official examinations for our dogs!

Open letter about the importance of the PRA examination







Text by Chart Polski International

Updated 081123

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