Phoebe Halliwell
� You're lying, I can see your wisdomteeth
� You ruined Piper's wedding and Piper along with that!
� Woman to woman: Cole was the love of my life. It took me so long to live my life without him. Calling him now would be like opening up a can of worms I've been working on so hard to
close. /(Elise): Woman to woman: If you still talk about this man as the love of your life, then the can is open, the worms are out. And you might as well use them to go fishing.
� Oh that's the coffeemaker I wanted! /(Prue): Phoebe, it's just a carton.
� I love you! /(Prue)� Same here.
� (Piper): I look ridiculous. /(Paige): Phoebe, will you tell Piper that she looks just fine. � You look so cute!
� I am going to kill the competition.
� (Prue): I know that you think you can see the future, which is pretty ironic.. � Since you don't think I have one, that my vision of life is cloudy compared to your perfect hell.
� I am light, I am too strong too fight. Return to darkness where shadows dwell, you cannot have this Halliwell. Now go away and leave my sight, and take with you this endless night.
� (Cole): Aren't you supposed to write a spell? � I did, and I was trying, but I only came as far as 'hey demon', and then my mind went blanc.
� So you rather have a flat reunion, filled with boring chit-chat.. /(Prue): Otherwise we wouldn't have anything to talk about.
� What happened to you, Cole? /(Cole): I'm mad.
� You know what. You're a turkey, and turkeys don't write columns! ..But they do make delicious diners.
� Stop teasing, I'll say it: Cole is the greatest lawyer in all of the world.
� What the hell is the matter with you?
� Nice teint, great body.. /(Prue) Awesome truck.
� (Piper): Why are you being so stubborn? � Because I'm a scorpio, what's your excuse?
� Wait a minute, you just said something. /(Paige): I did? Was it smart?
� But Cole! What about the interview? /(Cole): You know me so well, make it up.
� Work shmork, I got the baby pictures!
� (Piper): He's still there. /(Paige): Piper says he's still there. � Piper says he's still here.
� We have to stop meeting like this. /(Cole): Marry me.
� And I know you are really busy and you don't need to be listening to some advice-columnist's psycho babble.
� (Paige): Cole is good now, wouldn't that make him our innocent? � She's right. You should go, please.
� Leo! Don't you sneek up to me like that! /(Leo): You called for me!
� If you don't think that we came prepared for this moment, you are .. mistaking!
� We lost our big sister, how can we ever understand that?
� (Piper): She always took the leading, she was.. � Our big sister.
� Piper! /(Piper): Don't Piper me!
� (Paige): Phoebe take my hand. � No. /(Paige): Phoebe, fight it. � I don't wanna fight it, I just wanna be free. /(Paige) Phoebe!
� I'm sorry, I was still at the unspeakable wrath part.
� That even in my own little way I can make a difference.
� We're the Charmed ones, Prue, not the doomed ones.
� I'm no angel, I'm a witch. But don't tell my sisters you got it from me.
� How is it personal gain if we bring happiness to another person? And in my case lots and lots of happiness.
� You want a man who is single, smart, endowed.. /(Piper): Employed. � Oh sorry employed.
� Look, you don't know me. Hell I barely know me.
� Ok, I can't hold this in any longer. Your name isn't Piper and that's the good news. You're really Hecate, queen of the underworld and pregnant with a demon child. Which mean I'm afraid I have to kill you. /(Piper): What? � Not to worry, you have plenty of time. I still have to find the jewel pointer to kill you with.
� (Piper): I'm not pregnant. /(Prue): Well that's good news. � Are you kidding, that's great news. You can live!
� Stripper-eating bridesmaid ahead.
� Oh that's just Piper. She's gotta be everyone's mom. Think of her as your mom. I know I do.
� I didn't even have breasts back then. /(Piper): Phoebe, you've always had breasts.
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