Chapter 1: Arrival

Alex Smith

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning."

John, 1

"This is E2….evacuation…successful…minimal casualties…repeat, …successful…ties…they've broken through…line of defence…end…this is the end of the world…"

Transmission dated to sometime in the 28th Earth century


"Scanning bio-structures."

I don't know why I'm bothering to record this. I doubt anyone will ever read it. Probably be lost in some kind of apocalyptic catastrophe. Maybe it makes me feel better. Maybe it'll help me achieve some kind of objectivity.

"Scanning local lifeforms."

Two minutes from launch. It was to be a night launch. The moons were out, the spires of Cybertropolis…err, New Iacon, glinting and reflecting everything around it. It was beautiful, even by my standards, and I live on the outskirts near Eocra for god's sake.

Too good to be true, really.

"DNA replication commencing."

Science was our aim. Just three of us on a jaunt through the galaxy, dropping of our crew of 20 protoforms on various planets where they'd replicate the local lifeforms and study them. Then, on the way back we'd pick them up and bring them home.

"Synthetic organic compounds created. Proceeding to adapt to existing body-shell."

The elders watched from their tower, and a garbled transmission wished us good luck. The Aurora and the Axalon were the first ships to be fitted with Transwarp drives since that last, terrible accident resulting in the loss of a team of Maximals.

It didn't exactly fill us with confidence, know what I mean?

"Meltdown complete. Body-shell restructuring in final stages."

We launched. Optimus Primal, captain of the Axalon, wished us a safe trip. We replied in kind. Speedtrap, a pal of mine from some of the Hex-bars in the red-sensor district, joked about carrying a bunch of zombies around. Captain Cybercharge ended the transmission sombrely. He never smiles much, really.

Once we were sufficiently away from Cybertron traffic and airspace, we prepared to initiate the Transwarp gate sequence. We were just holding our breath, when BOOM! The radio exploded into a burst of static and excitement. It was Cybertron - two Predacon ships had launched, stolen by a bunch of criminals.

Typical Preds, really.

"DNA resequencing complete. Liquid metal cooling."

Apparently, one of the ships had the Golden Disc on board. I mean, the slagging Golden Disc for crying out loud! We were just preparing to track and follow when an explosion rocked our hull. We were under attack!

I put two and two together - The other Pred ship must'a had the Disc, whereas this one was intended to distract any attempt for us to stop them.

Great, I thought. We're just a distraction to them.

So we're just bringing ourselves round to fire when all of a sudden the ship just comes at us. I mean, literally, just rams us at speed. The entire cargo bay is just torn off as both of our ships tumble into the warp gate.

Of course, the section is sealed off, but that's all of our protoforms gone. And now, I figure, here's us gone.

Luckily, we come out the other side of the gate in one piece, albeit a slightly smaller piece than when we went in.

"Activation codes in place."

The Pred ship comes out soon after, but I see they're just as worse off. One of the stabiliser pylons is pouring smoke, and then just breaks off. Seeing our chance, I bring the guns to bear and pepper them with fire, but Bonecrusher holds me back. Why?

Look, he says. Look!

I look and see a huge slaggin' planet headin' right for us. Well, technically we were heading right for it, but you get the rough idea.

So we crash. And so do they. Bad news, ya might think, but no. We're built to withstand these kinda things, so the ship bounces around for a bit and eventually settles. All is well. We may be half submerged in water, but all is well.

I say lets go out there and find some Preds, but the Captain pulls me aside. He says we should follow procedure and blend in with the locals.

Surely, our vehicle forms are easier for slaggin' Preds, I say. But procedure is procedure, so we lock ourselves in these CR Chambers and scan the locals.

"Scanning and replication of local life-forms complete. You may emerge."

And that, as they say, is that.


"Cybercharge? Cybercharge?"

Bonecrusher walked into the commander's quarters. He was kneeling before a crude altar of some kind. Bonecrusher kept silent.

"Primus, how many more? How many more before it ends?"

Cybercharge was praying, thought Bonecrusher. To Primus. How quaint. But this was more important.

"Cybercharge! Captain!"

Cybercharge looked up at the tall Science officer. He was standing solemnly, but the Captain knew what he was thinking. Why, in this day and age, would someone pray to a lost deity?

"20 of them, Bonecrusher. Twenty, 20, it doesn't matter how you say it, they were lives under my responsibility and now they're gone. How many more have to die before I do?"

"It's what I came to speak to you about, sir. Speeder has located three stasis pods. It seems that they were pushed inward during the decompression before the section was locked down."

Cybercharge glanced up, a smile spreading on his face. He went to speak, but instead turned to the altar. "Thank you" he whispered, before hurrying to the bridge.

Bonecrusher looked at the altar and turned away, the door hissing shut behind him.


"How many? How many?"

"Calm down, fish-face. Just three. Figure the others are still where we entered the portal, in which case Cybertron Authorities'll pick 'em up. Or, they were lost in Transwarp space, in which case…"

Cybercharge nodded and turned away. "Have you chosen a codename yet?"

Speeder looked at him. "Yeah…kinda. I figured 'Spittor'"

"Why?" Cybercharge looked at him strangely.

"Something to do with this" The small robot transformed into a luminescent blue frog and extended his tongue sharply.

Transforming back, he regarded his captain dryly. "Well, if it's so bad, what's yours, oh 'fearless leader'?"

Cybercharge pondered for a moment and shrugged. "Cybershark?"

Spittor shook his head and bounded out. Bonecrusher stumbled as he entered in beast mode and snorted clouds of steam. "The stasis pods are hooked up to the main computer. Should I initiate the Mission Data download pack?"

Cybershark slumped in his chair. "What's the point, who needs scientists? Just fire them up and we'll see what we get."

Bonecrusher transformed. "Is everything Ok, sir? I mean, will you be able to lead this crew? Because right now, we need a leader, not just a captain."

Cybershark regarded him and stood up defiantly. "Activate the pods now. When I see what a motley crew I've got I'll decide. I'm going for a swim, contact me when all is done."

Cybershark strode across and activated the airlock. Out of the submerged front viewscreen, Bonecrusher watched him swim away into the depths.


"Lazorbeak and Razorclaw have taken form and are setting about stabilising the ship's structure. Buzzsaw has decided to retain his form as he found several similar lifeforms in the area. My lab is relatively undamaged and you're…"

"What of the clone?"

"About that…heh…um…well, it's damaged severely. Without attention, it will die…Snapper too. He was in the hold with the clone when the damage occurred."

"So what will you do about it?"

"Well, the computers have applied alternate forms to both Snapper and the clone…I do have a theory I'm willing to, uh, try out. Heh."

"Do it. Megaplex was to be integral to this mission. He was programmed with knowledge that only he and Megatron himself know. Snapper is expendable."

Manterror shifted uncomfortably and whirred one of his pincers.

"The, um, brain modules are damaged…irreparable. All that's keeping them alive is a stasis field…even their sparks are ebbing fast."

Transquito slowly stalked the ceiling. Without turning his head, he replied.

"Do what you can. Megaplex's raw power may be useful, even if the knowledge is gone. There are three Maximals on this planet with us and who knows what else."

Manterror waited for him to finish. The end never came. Turning to go, he heard Transquito transform behind him and stalk to a window.

"Send Lazorbeak to me. I have a mission for him."

Manterror nodded and hastily left the bridge. Transquito placed his hand against the window.

"It's up to you now, Megatron."


The large blue mandrill padded forward. I'm going to like him, thought Cybershark idly, as he relaxed in his chair. "State name and function," he ordered.

"B'Boom," it replied. "Commander of this mission."

"You must have a few wires crossed. I'm commander of this outfit. You answer to me."

"My programming states that I am to lead."

"Correction: You were to lead. You were to lead a small scientific group on planet Cygnus X-1, but that mission has been aborted and most of the crew destroyed."

B'Boom transformed to robot mode. He gritted his teeth and surveyed the bridge. He regarded Cybershark, sitting louche in his chair, and sneered.

"Of course, Commander." And with that, he walked out of the bridge.

Cybershark sighed theatrically. "Bonecrusher, give me some good news."

The two remaining protoforms emerged from the flickering shadows and transformed to address their commander.

"Shadow Panther" said the black, cat-like Maximal. "Scout and covert-ops. It will be an honour to serve with you."

"That's an interesting accent you have there," replied Cybershark. "Kalisian?"


"I wasn't aware there were any Maximals in Neo-Kalis."

"I was created in New Iacon but my programming was completed by a team of Maximal sympathisers."

"Preds, in other words" shouted Spittor from the ops chair. "And what the hell's wrong with you people? No imagination? Shadow Panther, Cybershark. Hah!"

Shadow Panther shot him a glance but it was ignored.

"And you?" asked Cybershark. "Who are you?"

"Um…Claw Jaw. Spy and scientific reconnaissance. Pleasure to meet you!"

He rushed forward and shook his commander's hand nervously.

"Um, yes, you too. Why not hop outside and see if there's any salvage to be had to reinforce the structure of the ship, eh?"

"At once!" he saluted and bounded out to the airlock.

Cybershark turned to Bonecrusher and sighed. "Two good, one bad. Seems Ok, I s'pose…"

The bull Maximal nodded and went to the diagnostic scanners. Spittor decided to speak up.

"So when do we get out there and start slaggin' Preds then?"

"You have an unhealthy hatred of them, don't you?"

"The only good Pred is a dead Pred, right Boney?"

Bonecrusher ignored the amphibian.

"Y'know," continued Cybershark, "that sort of thing is called racism where I come from…"

"Whatever, fish-face. All I know is that I would never let a Pred watch my back."

"On Omicron, I had several Predacons watching my back. I trusted them more than most Maximals I've met…"

"Yeah!" interrupted Spittor, "and look what happened to them!"

Cybershark was silent. His face fell and his hands shook.

Bonecrusher stood up quickly and grabbed the smaller Maximal. He dragged him out towards the lab area.

As soon as he was sure they were gone, Cybershark buried his head in his hands and tried not to scream.

From the lab, Bonecrusher tried to ignore the whimpering he could hear.

In the Predacon ship, the laboratory echoed with the screams of the dying.

In space, the Oeth watched with interest.

Chapter 2: Adjustment

Graham Thomson

"In memory of the crew of the first Transwarp mission. Technological advancement is never without cost, and we salute the sacrifices of—"


Council Citadel Plaque, 2998 AD. (Seven names have been scored out.)

The cries of the dying are always worse when they're muffled.

Behind the doors of Manterror's laboratory, Razorclaw could only wonder what hideous deeds were being executed. The Predacon scientist insisted the procedure would work; only no one knew exactly what that was. All Razorclaw knew was the result would be another threat to his position. He glared at the locked doors and flexed his claws, eager to slag the aberration he was expecting to emerge.

The screaming stopped for a moment. Razorclaw leaned forward, he was sure he could hear the crackling of electricity. It was faint. He took a cautious step towards the door and leaned further forward.

He leapt back suddenly as the screaming resumed. Louder than before this time. Razorclaw crouched down as three diamond-sharp blades sprung out from his right claw. His fuel pump raced and he tried to calm himself. Then he realised; it was Manterror who was screaming!

There was a hissing sound of released pressure as the thick doors to the laboratory slid open.

"Ah," Manterror sang, his arms raised above his head as he walked into the corridor, "a resounding success!"

"Well?" quizzed Razorclaw, "where is it?"

Manterror noticed a thick globule of mech-fluid dripping from one of the antennae protruding from his chest. He craned his neck down and sucked it up, then faced Razorclaw with a broad smile.

"He'll be along shortly."


Cybershark skulked onto the bridge of the Aurora. Bonecrusher, Claw Jaw and Shadow Panther turned from the central display slab and waited for him to speak. Cybershark inhaled, corrected his posture, and looked Bonecrusher directly in the optic.

"Status report," he commanded, hoping that his lieutenant had forgotten his earlier emotional breakdown.

Bonecrusher leaned on the edge of the round slab, folded his arms and stoically gave a brief report.

"We guessed you didn't want to scan this lake forever, so Claw Jaw repositioned the external scanners to the aft side of the ship."

Claw Jaw sidestepped nervously and grinned inanely at his leader. Cybershark cast him an appreciative smile.

Bonecrusher continued, "ambient energon levels are within government guidelines, but I feel a lot safer with a beast mode as it's all just theory. This planet is rich with natural resources, which we'll obviously need if we are to get back to Cybertron."

Cybershark motioned to speak but was stopped by Bonecrusher.

"There is some cause for concern. Scanners have detected several pockets of intense radiation of unknown type. There have been documented cases of severe vorcode mutations upon exposure. I have no idea how this will affect us, but it would be wise to avoid them for the time being."

"Agreed," said Cybershark, "I think getting the Aurora back online is our main priority. Any word of the Predacons?"

"They've either cloaked their ship, or it was obliterated."

Cybershark paused for a moment, considering Spittor's words. "Shadow Panther, I want you on scout patrol. See if you can find any Predacon survivors, they might need our help."

Shadow Panther silently nodded and transformed to panther mode.

"Good luck!" called Claw Jaw and the black cat descended the portside lift.

Bonecrusher stood up from the slab and walked towards the communications bay, "I'm going to try to raise the Axalon. The Aurora's flight-log says Optimus Primal followed Megatron's ship into a Transwarp Gate."

"Good idea," said Cybershark. He looked down at Claw Jaw, "okay little fella, let's see if we can map out the surrounding area. Punch up the Geogrid."

Claw Jaw stared up at Cybershark, his nervous grin dropped into an even more nervous look of worry. "I… I can't operate the keyboard, sir," the small pink robot deplored, "I have suckers for hands!"

Cybershark cocked his head to the side and looked sympathetic as Claw Jaw clapped his forearms together and slowly prised them apart to the sound of eight or nine quickly successive moist popping noises.


Buzzsaw felt a chill as he entered his leader's light starved quarters. He felt as if he'd walked into a black hole.

"Sir?" he timorously called into the darkness, "you wanted a report on Megaplex?"

"Are his memories intact?"

Buzzsaw involuntarily tensed and followed Transquito's coarse voice up to the ceiling, where his leader was crouched upside-down in insect mode.

"I'm afraid not," he replied, trying to sound as calm as possible. "There was complete cerebro burnout. His Spark remained intact and Manterror managed-"

"Not interested," Transquito said abruptly, "what about Lazorbeak?"

"He's only reported in once, sir. He's convinced we're on Earth, but I don't-"

"Have him report to me directly in future."

"Yes, commander," Buzzsaw said as he turned to leave the room.

Transquito released his grip from the ceiling and landed behind Buzzsaw with a dull thud. Buzzsaw tensed again, and one of his insect legs broke free from his left forearm.

Not now, he thought as he crouched down to pick it up. He threw a fleeting glance behind him, but his leader was nowhere to be seen. Buzzsaw hurried out of the door, clutching his broken leg.

Buzzsaw shrugged and stretched his neck. As he composed himself in the level 3 corridor, he removed a Chronicube from behind his back and started recording and walked towards his own quarters.

"No doubt about it, mon frere, I am on the wrong ship. You'd be here instead of me if Megatron hadn't decided that yellow clashed with his plasma cannon! Everyone wants a green wasp!"

Buzzsaw looked at his broken leg, "I fear our, er… condition is getting progressively worse. I can see myself spending most of my time in the Regeneration Pools before we get back home. If we get back home."

Now safely in his own quarters, Buzzsaw continued, "and Transquito sure as slag puts the fear of the Great Smelter in me! But still, compared to Scorponok, he makes a better captain. I am still convinced Megatron chose Scorponok for his sinewy build rather than his intelligence. Megatron may be a criminal mastermind, but he's as shallow as a Hex-bar service droid!

"Anyway, I need to run a diagnostic on Terragator in three cycles. Buzzsaw out."


He'd only been online for two planetary cycles, and already Spittor was annoying him. The small robot bounded circles around B'Boom in the Aurora's stasis hold and every raspy word he uttered pushed B'Boom nearer the edge.

"You ain't gonna just stand there and let ol' Captain Bird's Eye give the orders are ya?"

B'Boom tried hard to ignore Spittor, instead concentrating on his open palm which was resting on the empty space where a stasis pod used to be. His stasis pod. Half of the room was missing - violently torn from the ship after the Predacon ship had collided. Cybershark had ordered him to guard the ship from here. The massive rift that looked directly into the encroaching jungle was a bright pink neon sign that begged, 'welcome Predacons, enter here.'

"I mean, you were programmed to be a mission leader. Cybershark's only a captain. You? You're a leader!"

B'Boom glanced at Spittor and considered his programming. Up until now he was a protoform. A blank Neogen given life by Star Saber's so-called Matrix Factory. A special reserve for exploration missions, designed to take on whatever alternate form would be needed to blend in with the surrounding environment. In other words: expendable. Just like the twenty or so protoforms now lost in deep space.

Those Predacons will pay, he thought to himself.

"Those Predacons will pay!" urged Spittor, "Cybershark is too much of a Predacon sympathiser… too soft! We need revenge, justice! We owe it to the missing protoforms!"

B'Boom clenched his fists, feeling the anger rising up within him. He squeezed his temples with his massive hand and sighed. He closed his optics and regained control. It was all about control. B'Boom turned and walked right past Spittor, making another visual sweep of the jungle outside. He stood with his arms at his hips and watched the sun paint a rainbow over the mist filled treetops.

"Ah, what's the use?" said Spittor, leaving the stasis hold, "I hate the strong, silent type!"

When he was certain Spittor was out of audio range, B'Boom whispered slowly to himself, "my time will come."


"Do we have confirmation?"

"Affirmative. Their life-force does not match that of the Vector Sigma geode."

"Then it means-"


"They have a habit of disrupting the time flow."

"The Vok are on standby."

"And us?"

"We have been given permission to protect our programme."

"At any cost?"

"At any cost."

To be continued...



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