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Thomas Clapperton, son �pouse Ellen Mill et de leurs enfants.
Thomas Clapperton, his wife Ellen Mill and some of their children.


Thomas Clapperton le 26 janvier 1892 au Coll�ge Mont-St-Louis � Montr�al
               Thomas Clapperton on January 26, 1892 at Mont-St-Louis College in Montr�al.

Thomas Bernard Clapperton.

Thomas B. Clapperton, son �pouse Ellen Mill
             Thomas B. Clapperton, his wife Ellen Mill.

Thomas B., his wife and a child, who???
                  Thomas B. Ellen Mill et ...

Gertrude, Mme L�onard Corriveau, hiver-winter 2004

Thomas Clapperton.

Soeur Hectorine Clapperton et sa m�re, Ellen Mill
          Sister Hectorine Clapperton and her mother Ellen Mill.

L�onard Corriveau et Gertrude Clapperton.

Robert Clapperton.

Elsie Brown, Mme. Robert Clapperton
               Robert Clapperton's wife, Elsie Brown.


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