From left to right:

Theresa Clapperton(Mrs McIntyre), the Cyr  family, Marie-Therese, Beatrice, Berthe, Edgar their father, Amelia and their aunt Ida Cyr. And at the far right is Suzan Clapperton( Mrs Thomas Mill), she and Theresa were sisters.
Edgar was their brother-in-law, he married Amelia who died very young leaving him a widow with four very young children. They were lucky to have his sister Ida to help and raise these children when young.

De gauche � doite:

Th�r�sa Clapperton( Mme McIntyre) la famille Cyr, Marie-Th�r�se, B�atrice, Berthe, leur p�re Edgar, Am�lia et leur tante Ida Cyr. Compl�tement � droite est Suzan Clapperton. (Mme Thomas Mill) soeur de Th�r�sa. Edgar est leur beau-fr�re, �poux de Amelia d�c�d�e tr�s jeune. Il �tait veuf avec quatre jeunes enfants. Ils ont eu la chance d'avoir sa soeur Ida pour s'occuper d'eux.



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