Do These Articles Point to The Global Terrorist Networks and Their Sponsors?

Recent events have triggered renewed interest in the organizations which conduct terrorism on a large scale. This page is intended to educate those who wish to learn in depth about the events that led up to them. We cannot tell you exactly who executed this particular conspiracy, but we can attempt to collate the evidence which indicates that some people have been

To the best of our knowledge and belief, what is posted below is true, but we cannot verify beyond trying to find corroborating evidence from multiple sources. The reader is left to judge veracity, and perhaps seek further evidence: these links indicate that such evidence may not be hard to find.

Pakistan Terrorism

Broad Categories of Articles
The "Players" and their history The Money Trail Behind Global Terrorism Want to read more? 
1. General Pervez Musharraf's Links to Terrorism

2. Anatomy of the Terror Enterprise

3. Anti-US sentiment and warnings

4. The Money Trail 5. Other Websites on Terrorism

6. Pakistani Press articles of interest


Other Sites Set Up By Humans Concerned About Terrorism