Chao Hatching
Of course, the first thing you need to do once you get the chao keys is find and hatch your chaos. At the beginning when you enter chao world you'll see a doorway directly in front of you. That's the one you'll wanna enter first. You'll find two eggs(in which you'll problay want to make one hero and one dark to unlock the gardens). Hatch them by either shaking them, throwing them against a wall or letting the hatch naturally. I reccomend that you dont throw them against a wall. They won't be as happy when theyr'e born.
                               Chao Keys and Boxes
The way you get into chao world in Chao World in SA2 is different then the Chao Gardens in SA1. You have to play through levels with the characters and break boxes with a chao head on them. There are three in each level. The first one that you get always has a chao key in it. If you get a chao key and then finish the level you unlock chao world for the character who had finished the level.
                 Chao Treatment and Raising
In order to have a good and happy chao you need to treat them right. Make sure you dont hit them or throw them by accident. But, don't worry if hit them once and a while. Juts pet and feed him/her until they stop pouting. When they start to cry, make sure that you feed them because they're hungry. For more info on chao care and chao feelings read in other sections of this site.
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