Chao Misc.
Chao Lobby (SA2B)
The Chao Lobby Has no real significance it's just there.
Chao Lobby (SADX)
There are three chao lobbies in SADX, one is the Hotel Lobby, the other is the cave, outside Tails' Workshop, the final is the room with the transporter on the Egg Carrier
There are two eggs in the begining garden and one in the other gardens in SA2B, in SADX there are two in each, they are your beginer's chao, you can buy more at the Black Market (more on that later) or you can buy the exotic chao in the Tiny Chao Garden. You can either sell the egg, or put it on your chao's head by giving it a skeleton dog, and the same with Special Chao Hats that you buy at the Black Market, To hatch it you can either, A, throw it, B, cuddle it, C, leave it alone to hatch on it's own.
Chao Interaction
You should have alreadyfigured out that you can pet, cuddle, abuse and train your chao by now, but if you haven't...
Swim, Run, Fly, Power, and Stamina, these are the visible attributes for your chao. Luck and Intellegence are only visible in races, but these are added by certain animals and chaos drives. (see animals and chaos drives page)
Tiny Chao Garden
This is the much much smaller, less three demintional garden that is found only in the Game Boy Advance's Sonic Advance, Sonic Advance 2, Sonic Pinball Party and Sonic Advance / Sonic Pinball Party combo, there are special fruits, items, and eggs only found in these games. Though it recieved terrible chao garden ratings on This is the only way to get the jewel chao (exotic chao)
Hero Garden and Dark Garden
These are easy to get, though some people tend to make it very difficult, all you need is patience. Raise a hero for hero garden, dark for dark.
Chao Stadium
Lobby to Chao Race and Karate
Chao Race
Test to determine how your chao is raised, races 7 other chao or less. You can help your chao by pressing A, but doing so decreases thier stamina, win races to get prizes, hero can win hero races, dark to dark,Challenge can be won by anyone, Neutral can win them all, I recomend your chao be lvl 80 or more to win lvl 5 races
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