We are Japanese if you don't please

The first inhabitants of Japan were European-looking, but genetically related to Polynesians. These Japanese "whites" were called the "Ainu" (pictured above). Their language is very similar to the Basques, a tribe from Spain. Here's a chart of two languages from "An Ainu Dialect Dictionary" edited by Shiro Hattori:


2/5	tontone		to be bald	tontordun	crested, plumed
2/6	kepsapa		bald head	kepireska	heads or tails
6/38	aspa		to be deaf	aspaldiko	old, ancient
6/41	papus		lips		papar		breast
6/69	taspare		to sigh		asparen		to sigh
11/82	aske		hand		esku		hand
12/94	poro monpeh	thumb		erpuru		thumb
15/130	nok		testicle	noka		familiarity with women
15/131	pok		vulva		puki		vulva (slang)
16/133	uka'un		sexualintercourseukan		to possess, to have
16/134	meno kupuri	to menstruate	kopor-kopuri	goblet, quantity
17/136	kema		leg, foot	kemen		vigor, strength
17/137	hera		to limp		herren		cripple
18/149	kiski		hair		kizkur		curly, wavy hair
18/152	kamihi 		surface of 	kamisoi		nightgown, the skin
19/161	tur		dirt		lur		dirt
23/188	hatcir		to fall	(down)	atzeratu	to fall (back)
24/194	hotkuku		to stoop	kukutu		to stoop
24/201	mokor		sleep		makar		sleep
28/1	siko		to be born	zikoina		stork
28/4	hetuku		to grow up	gehitu		to grow up
28/4	sikup		to grow up	siku		miserly
29/14	sinki		to get tired	sinkulin	crying, whining
29/15	yasumi		to rest		jaso		to get better
29/16	tasum		illness		eritasun	illness
29/16	araka		illness		arakatu		to be examined
30/22	ukikosmare	to sprain	ukitu		to touch, to affect
31/34	pirika		to recover	pirri		shaky, jittery
31/36	kusuri		drug		kutsu		infection
31/38	shuruku		poison		shurrut		gulp, drink
34/2	okkai		man		oka egin	to eat too much
34/3	meneko		woman		eme		female
35/7	sukukur		young man	sukor		having a temper
					kuraia		strength
35/10	poro aynu	adult		porrokatu	tired
35/11	onne kur	old person	onegi		benign
					kurrinka	moaning
36/12	ekasi		old man		ekarri		to contribute,provide
36/13	hutci		old woman	hutsikusle	fault-finding
36/13	ruhne mah	old woman	urrumakatu	to sing a lullaby
36/16	pon		to be veryyoung	ponte		baptismal font
39/12	ona		father		onartzaile	authority
40/16	po		child		poz		happiness
42/31	uriwahnecin	sibling		aurride		sibling
42/31	irutar		siblings	irutara		three different ways
42/35	umatakikor	to be sisters	umatu		to reproduce
44/52	kok		son-in-law	kok		bellyful
45/56	aukorespa	to be engaged	aukeratu	to choose, select
45/58	usante		to marry	usantza		tradition
45/59	umurek		married couple	umotu		to have children
47/68	ekkur		guest		ekuru		peaceful, peace of mind
47/73	ipakasnokur	teacher		ikaserazi	to teach
48/75	kusunkur	enemy		kuskusean	spying
50/1	kotan		village		-kote		multiplicity, many
50/2	porokotan	city		porrokatu	to destroy
50/3	sinotusi	open space	sinotsu		strange, unfamiliar
50/8	oiakunkur	out of doors	oian		forest
51/10	ankahpaaki	foreigner	ankapetu	to trample under foot
51/13	uraiki		to make war	jarraiki	to attack
51/17	kotankoro	tribal chief	koroa		crowned, glorified
52/18	tono		official	tontor		plumed, feathered
52/21	u'ekari		meeting		ekarle		bringer (of news)
52/21	u'ekarpa	meeting		ekarpen		contribution
52/23	kotan orake	to go to ruin	oraka		financial ruin
52/23	kiru		to die out	kirru		blond
52/23	sikupu		to perish	siku		shriveled up
53/32	isocise		jail		isolamendu	isolation
56/1	itah		language	itano		speaking in second person
57/12	kayo		to cry out	kaio		seagull	
58/15	ese		to answer	esetsi		to argue
58/15	itasa		answer		itaun		question
58/18	u'uste		to pass along	uste		opinion
58/19	sonko		information	esonde		advice
58/21	senpir		backbiting	senper		suffering
58/22	sinititak	to joke		sinoti		crazy
58/23	sunke		falsehood	suntsun		foolish, idiotic
59/26	esina		to conceal	esinguratu	to surround, to block
59/27	etekke		confidential	etekin		profit, wages
59/28	eramankorka	to pretend	eramankor	tolerant, enduring
59/28	ennuka		to pretend	enulkeria	weakness, debility
60/40	itokpa		to mark		itoka		quickly
64/1	ariki		to come		ariketa		assignment, activity
64/2	koman		to go		komandante	commander
64/5	eson asin	to go away	esonde		advice	
					asi		to start, to begin
65/11	rutu		to move aside	urrundu		to move away
65/12	somaketa	to approach	somaketa	attention, perception
65/14	etaras		to stop		etapa		stage, stretch
66/15	kus		to pass	through	kuskusean	to peek, to snoop
68/33	kaya		sail		kaiar		very large seagull
70/2	ko'ekari	to encounter	elkarikusi	to see each other
70/3	aske'uk		to invite	aske		free, independent
70/5	ekari arki	to go out,to meetekarri		to bring, to provide
70/7	umusa		to bow		kilimusi	to bow
72/20	omonnure	to praise	omendatu	to praise
73/24	kokor unpeki	to scold	gogor egin	to scold
73/25	ikohka		punishment	iko		hammer
75/35	ukonkep		strength,contestukondoka	elbowing, forcing a way
75/35	puni		strength,contestpuntzet		sword
75/39	inospa		to pursue	inozotu		to be intimidated
76/40	oskoni		to overtake	oskol		armour
76/41	akkari		to outrun	akarraldi	to anger
76/46	ikasuy		to help, assist	ikastun		student
77/50	kukocan		to refuse	uko egin	to refuse
77/51	ese		to undertake	esetsi		to attack, to debate
80/1	konte		to give		kontentatu	to please
80/8	uk		to receive	ukan		to have
81/12	ipuni		to distribute	ipuina		to tell a story
81/13	esikari		to rob		esi		fence, enclosure
81/14	iska		to steal	xiskatu		to steal
83/29	ikoro		money		koro		money
87/15	pita		to untie,loosen	pita		fishing line
87/17	tekkas		glove		teka		pod, covering
88/25	atusa		naked		atutxa		better world
88/26	hantasine	barefoot	hankagorri	barefoot
96/38	seku		to suck		sikui		dry
97/46	cikaripe	to prepare	sikatu		to dry
97/52	hu		raw, unripe	huruppa		to swallow
158/21  eraman	        to get used to  eramanpen	patience, tolerance
187/59  peko            ox              menpeko         controlled by   

These Ainus were taller, have wavy hair, fair skin, a lot of body hair, and some have blue or gray eyes. Most of them reside in Hokkaido, the northern part of Japan. There are hardly any pure Ainus, because of the intermixing with the Japanese. Most of the Samurais were from that tribe. That's the reason a lot of them were tall. Also, some Japanese people are somewhat white-looking. The Samurais of Ainu descent gained popularity and were able to marry women of the upperclass and spread their white traits to the Nobility. See below:

Ainu ancestry......................... Ainu Ancestry......................Yayoi (Mongol) Ancestry

There's this one actor from the movie "Hakaider" who looks kinda like Charlie Sheen. The Yayoi, Yellows of Japan, were descended from Eurasia.

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