Italy is made up of many mixtures. The Pelasgians, a semitic tribe, were the first inhabitants. The Etruscans were descendants of Troy. Other tribes included the Greeks and Phoenicians. A Germanic tribe known as the "Lombards" settled in northern Italy during the collapse of the Roman Empire. That is why a lot of Northern Italians tend to me more Nordic in appearance.

The earliest tribe to settle in Sicily were the Sicani, who came from North Africa via Spain during pre-history. Next, the Elimi, who were probably of Trojan ancestry. After them, the Siculi, who came from the main land Italy during the eighth century BC and gave the island its name. Later, the Greeks and Phoenicians colonized Sicily. Then during the dark ages, the Normans also occupied Sicily, causing some of them to have blond hair. Also, Arabs invaded the island and gave some of 'em the Middle Eastern look. The word "Mafia" is Arabic for "Refuge."

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