The Indo-Europeans

The nobility of Sumer were the extremely tall Nordics, who were also known as "the giants of Canaan" to the Israelites. They were similar to the ancient Celts... they had their hair spiked and they wore striped clothing. The kings wore horned helmets.

Around 3000 BC, one branch went to Anatolia (Turkey) and became the Hittites, Illyrians, Thracians, Dacians, Armenians, Albanians, Ionian Greeks, and Italians.

Another branch migrated through the Caucasus and became the Goths. The Goths split in two branches; the western branch became the Germans, Norsemen, Celts, Dorian Greeks, and Tocharians. The eastern branch became the Persians, Slavs, Balts, and Indo-Aryans.

The Nordics who remained in the Promise Land were killed off by the Israelites led by Joshua.

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