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Update: July 24, 2004: Normally I would apologize for not putting an update up in so long, but i've decided that instead of saying "i'm sorry" when i want to apologize, the standard phrase should be replaced with "fuck your mom." So like i said...fuck your mom. The new album seems to be coming along swimmingly, we are currently at 7 songs (i think), and i'd say at least 5 of them are fucking amazing. And by amazing i mean offensive. I'd say the next album should be about 12 songs in total. When i finish it, i'll keep you posted. But until then, fuck your moms.

On a related note, i need to figure out how to sell these albums online, because i could use drug money. I mean, who couldn't use drug money? But check out the sample tracks on the download page, there are two of them, entitled "real life" which is a song about stalking people, and "anachronjism" which chronicles the chris farley arcade's incredible journey through time to assassinate lincoln, kennedy, and hitler (which failed). We're 2 for 3 for assassination, and that's how we plan on making our albums. The first 2 will rock, and the third will be ass terrible. Ok I'm done bullshitting you now.


Update: May 27, 2004: Oh snap, I haven't updated in awhile, but if you think i give a shit, you would be gravely mistaken. The new album has started production, and so far we've got two songs recorded, both of which are pretty damn kickass. If you don't agree with me, that's your loss...actually you should agree with me, and if you don't, I'll smack you. The new album will be keeping slightly more on topic than the last one (we're not making as many songs based on poorly drawn pictures with various things not actually found in nature (i wonder if anybody will get that)), but so far, the new album is shaping up to be an ungodly success. On a related note, we've been buying new recording equipment and stuff, which is pretty dumb considering the amount of work we put into this project, and you should all contact me or whoever knows me about buying the pimpbot album so I can embezzle this money and/or use it to pay for better recording equipment.

So far, the two tracks recorded are as follows: "Rape and Pillage Tour 2009" is a song about the fact that the Chris Farley Arcade is a group of assholes from the future, here to rob your banks and get you your FDIC insurance settlements. So really, we're doing you a favor. The second song is "The Land Before Time (When Instruments Walked the Earth)," which is about what life would be like if our production equipment could walk around, talk, and dance the robot (the only dance that futuristic robot assholes can do) with us. I understand both sound awesome and have cool names, but you'll have to hold your piss for a little while longer. After the album is complete you can commence shitting/pissing yourselves.

Peace out, suckas.


Update: April 30, 2004: Welcome to the first iteration of the brand new Chris Farley Arcade Website. I'm not sure what possessed me to remake the website, but I've stolen someone else's layout and made it cooler by wasting hours on a flash banner that would've taken me about 10 minutes to do if I just used pictures and stupid links. But this has cool animation, so therefore I am automatically cool. If the website doesn't work for you, then you can kiss my ass. Also, if there are any major complaints about the website, email me. I probably won't do anything about your complaints, but you never know, miracles happen.

As far as actual updates in the world of the cfa are concerned, there really aren't any major changes. The tracklist to the pimpbot album are still the same, although I believe we will now use a new cover that I didn't even put in the album art contest. Yeah, I'm retarded like that. In other news, the cfa will most likely be working on new material over the summer. We should be able to produce either an ep or maybe a full length album. I'm going to start working on beats next week.

Well that's all, so remember to stay in school kids, and never do drugs, unless you're under peer pressure. ;)



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