<BGSOUND SRC="MozartEffect6_1.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
Live, Love, and Learn ...
Greetings!  The background music you are listening to is by Mozart and was selected especially for accompanying yoga.  It has also been my experience that listening to quiet music while reading improves concentration ability.   After learning about some of the many benefits of yoga and knowing that it is  especially beneficial for the students I work with who have various impairments, it seems appropriate to share the first few links with others in the field.

Having a physical impairment myself allows me to empathize more closely with others, such as the students I work with; some with cerebral palsy, spina bifida, others with autism, and developmental delays.  It was exciting to discover that yoga has extra benefits for people who have various special needs!  It improves flexibility, circulation, and concentration and can help alleviate tensions of everyday responsibilities.

While attending classes at
Polk Community College and the University of South Florida, I have come across several wonderful websites, which can be accessed by the click of a button.  Most are related to health, fitness, and education. Some include  music and fun, but educational games for children.  The "Dole5ADay" website includes several song videos on health and nutrition!  Also, samples of some of my favorite music can be heard on "Amazon.com," including Schoolhouse Rock, Raffi, and numerous Disney songs, and music composed by John Barry, Jerry Goldsmith, and other great composers.  Kenny Loggins is also one of my favorite songwriters.  I really like "The Tigger Movie" main theme song (included on the link)..

This website is also an attempt to integrate multicultural,
multiple intelligences, and multisensory input into any classroom where it is sure to be appreciated.  I believe that our classrooms should be as therapeutic as possible to enhance learning opportunities to their maximum potential.

Also i ncluded is a
Power Point presentation of a lesson on nutrition featuring a class  I taught during the fall of 2003.  I hope you enjoy the show and the various links mentioned above while touring the website.

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments for me by clicking on my e-mail icon and dropping me a line or two (or more!).


Carol E. Wisemen

Website last updated on  December 3, 2003.
Yoga Poses Directory
Award Winning Behavior Advisor Site
Health and Nutrition - Dole 5 A Day
Biology Lesson Game
Award Winning Multiple Intelligences Site
Arthur Sign Language
Games for Emergency Preparation
Shana Banana Fun and Games
TyperShark keyboarding game
More Educational and Fun Activities
Internet4classrooms.com/skills-1st Grade
Winnie-the-Pooh Games
More Winnie-the-Pooh Games
Even More Winnie-the-Pooh Games!
The Tigger Movie Homepage
Sample music from Schoolhouse Rock
Sample music from Disney Soundtracks
Sample music from Raffi
Red Grammer Character Building Songs
My Info:
Starfall Reading Interactive Stories
Colgate Dental Care Games
Yahoo e-mail: [email protected]
Polk County Public Schools e-mail:
[email protected]
My USF e-mail address:  [email protected]
Polk County Library Cooperative
PowerPoint of Practicum on Health and Nutrition
Florida Sunshine State Standards
[email protected]
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