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Welcome to Cephas World !
This website was started in 2003 and was originally the idea of a young
primary school kid in Singapore. It was designed for the enjoyment of his primary school friends and other primary school kids but as kids grow so has our website which is now expanded in depth and breath to include older children!

At Cephas World, you will get to read stories,poems, enjoy art pieces and have lots of useful things to read about. Apart from this, our Lookout section is designed to keep us informed of current events and developments in the world.

Here comes our first story for younger primary school kids....
Once upon a time there lived a little girl. One evening, she asked her mother for a basket to go out to the forest to pick some mushrooms and flowers on a quick trip. An evil spirit overhead the conversation, took a knife and decided to kill the little girl.  Just as the little girl stepped out of the house, dark clouds covered the whole sky and it grew darker and darker. As the girl reached the edge of the forest, the skies became unusually dark, as if in the middle of the night. The little girl also spotted a  ghostly shadow flying over her as she stood under a tall tree at the edge of the forest and felt a sudden chilly wind. She trembled with fear.
She quickly ran for her life back to her home and told her mother that a ghost was trying to kill her. She told her mother too that the ghost could fly. Her mother disbelieved her and told her that there was no such thing as a ghost.

The ghost came knocking on the door. Then, the little girl looked through the peep-hole and saw the ghost. She screamed in fright and ran to her mother. She brought her mother to the peep-hole and her mother was shocked. There was a white cloudy head with piercing eyes and two arms sticking out but the rest of the ghost was a fleecy mass of cotton wool-like substance trailing behind him. Both Mother and the little girl were horrified.

But Mother recovered here senses quickly. She remembered an old folk saying that ghosts were afraid of the cross. On her neck hung a chain with  a small gold cross which she had worn since childhood. It had been covered by the dress which she was wearing. She took down the chain now.
Saying a quick quiet prayer, she asked her little girl to quickly open the door and just as her little girl did so, Mother threw the gold cross at the white fleecy mass. Just as the golden cross hit the fleecy mass, the ghost let out a loud piercing scream that rose up to the crowns of the forest trees. As suddenly as the ghost had come, it had disappeared in a smoky vapour. The golden cross with the attached chain lay quietly on the soft grass. Picking it up, Mother noticed it was damp, but otherwise there had been no change.
Mother and little girl stood there for a long time after the ghost was gone. Had it been a dream after all or had it been real?
The plot for this story came from two young primary school children.
For more stories, go to our Library of Stories. Click on any one of these buttons for more on this website.
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