I am the Rice Kryspies Voice
Well, basically, I am the man with no masta plan. Jason Paul (AKA: J.P., Jas, Jay, Dinosaur Boy, Yoga... Pick one. Stick with it. I prefer "Jas" from my friends) Robicheaux. Odds stand that if you are viewing this, you know most of the info on this page already, because WHO is going to just STUMBLE across it? Believe it or not, it's all very simple.
     I'm 6'4", grey eyes,  short, dark brown, blonde-highlighted, curly hair, typically shaded by a Van Dyke Goatee and a heavy set of eyelashes.
     And I try my damnedest to be modest, but them's the stats.
     I'm trying to make my way in the world of industrial espionage, workplace hostility, and missiles launching from every direction. All while waiting for my female partner/contact/undercover lover. In other words, I need a job that fits me and a girlfriend REAL BAD, and Im going about it THE HARD WAY. By looking at every option. And I am
not Jake 2.0. Not even nanites could help.
    My soul grows weary of college life. Thank God I finally got a damn car, Else I'd be nuts by now. Ive got a
I am one handsome mofo. And modest, too.
few more years to go, though, so life may get a little redundant over the next good, long, drawn out, overlapping, tiring... AHEM, sorry... while.   
     As I mentioned, Im more Clark then Superman. If I could afford to be, I would be very stylish. (And hey! I'm not a dick, like most guys who
are stylish tend to be.) I have a good sense of fashion, but as implied my budget doesnt allow me to express it. Its almost kind of a pre-requisite to be an artist that you have such a paradox.
    Why don't you have some fun looking at my artwork? The link to my briefcase is to the right, and Da people who make it happen
My briefcase
Da shiznit, if I may be corny...
Email me if you like, at [email protected]. Keep it short, keep it long, keep it Naturally Red. I dont really care, I'll still read it. Happy trails!
Still reading? I see thou hast chosen hidden option C: listen to me drone on for the length of a webpage. Drive carefully, there are plot-holes ahead.
Ive always had that natural, constant affinity for people, though I never could understand them, and sometimes get the impression they dont want me around. I do tend to be a little unnerving, I guess. It was an evolution, really, and inevitable
that I got into fantasy art, since Pop raised me on Boris Vallejo calendars. Hence, I have a deep appreciation for all things related to the female form. Angels (fallen, dark, and divine) and their antithesis the Succubi, as well as Faeries, Mermaids, and Centauresses have always had a special place in my imagination, as the embodiments of femininity. The
ones here tend to be among the tamer of my drawings of women. But even truer to my style, and closer to my mind, heart, and soul is the reptile. Maybe because of the sense I get when I'm around people: the sense that they dont feel completely comfortable around me, and that neither do I around them. Maybe my love of people is purely aesthetic. Maybe I just like observing, hell, I dunno. But a lizard will never lie to you.  Dinosaurs may be extinct, but we have taken them into a realm they might have appreciated, had they lived to see it. Dragons for one. I've often found humor in what people will say and do out of ignorance. I.E., the pre-renaissance world and primitive cultures. Anyway, to them, an artist was equivelant to the heroes of Ancient Greece. A demigod. A shaman capable of capturing the soul of his/her subject. I'm not exactly fond of this idea, but in essence, it is somewhat true, wouldn't you say? When you draw a portrait, what do you do? You capture them. You become the manipulator.
You put onto the substrate your own translation of what that person is. You have the power to make them into anything you want. Abuse of this power can turn them against you, so you, in essence, can steal their soul by being cruel. That's what Cro-Magnon thought he was doing: Capturing the life of the hunt. Appeasing the souls of the beasts he killed. Interesting, huh? It's all relative, as a messenger once said
quite well... Gwen Stefani sums it up best, I think: "Take this pink ribbon off my eyes..." Im not a girl, especially not just a girl. But I know what she was talking about.
    I dunno, maybe I'm reading too far into life. Maybe I'm just exaggerating. Maybe, maybe not. Stay hippy if you are, and if you're not, you should want to be. :P>-
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