Center for Educational Measurement

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The Center for Educational Measurement (CEM) is a non-stock, non-profit organization committed to help improve instructional quality in member schools through measurement and research.



Why become a member of CEM?

Membership in CEM would enable schools to increase their capacity for institutional planning, curricular improvement, classroom management, and accreditation. All CEM members are entitled to the following:

Testing services at discounted rates
Training in the interpretation of CEM tests utilized by the member institution
Technical assistance in testing and research
Opportunities to avail of training programs in educational measurement and research
Complimentary copies of the Philippine Journal of Educational Measurement




Any school may become a member of CEM provided it has or intends to have an assessment program that will utilize CEM services for the improvement of the school's offerings, and the budget to implement the program.


Contact Information

For more information, write or call:

+63 2 8941392
+63 2 8180403
Postal address
6/f Wing B Concorde Cond., Salcedo St., Legaspi Village, Makati 1229
Electronic mail
General Information: [email protected]
Customer Support:
Webmaster: [email protected]
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Copyright © 2001 Center for Educational Measurement
Last modified: December 29, 2001
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