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Hi and welcome to my site that contains cely oneill logo which was created at kingscliff tafe.

The course that I am involved in is called Information Technology Web Design Certificate 4. I'm doing this course to get more knowlodge in designing web sites.Follow the links on the left and they will take you to pages that contain links to my fellow students sites, work that I have done for myself and work that was done relating to my course.

I have,again, updated this site. I have divided up all my TAFE work by teacher. As you can tell by my links at the bottom.

If you have an comments regarding my work, please don't hesitate to add them to my guestbook. Or if you prefer email me. My address is at the bottom of each page.

I have now added a new page. It is the continuing saga of the reason this site is here. Search Engine Optimization. There I will give updates on how my site ranks when changes are made. Just folow the link named Report.

I have just done another site, one page really, but hopefully it will grow. Check it out. The link can be found on my work page and is named Cecilia Group.

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