
Suggested Reading

Some of these books are out of print or rare, but well worth searching for!
If you have any suggestions for other recommended books, please e-mail us with your comments

PlanetBasic Must Reads

The Mabinogion
Translated by Lady Charlotte E. Guest

The Kybalion
Hermetic Philosophy
By the Three Initiates

PlanetOn Avalon
Avalon of the Hearts

By Dion fortune

The Apple Branch ; A Guide to Celtic Rituals
By Alexi Kondratev

The Isle of Avalon: Sacred Mysteries of Arthur and Glastonbury Tor
By Nicholas Mann

Phenomena of Avalon
By Gino Gennara

PlanetOther Celtic

Women of the Celts
By Jean Markales

The Celtic Traditions
By Caitlin Matthews

The Druids Herbal
By Ellen E. Hopman

PlanetRelated Mysticism

The Middle Pillar-The Balance Between Mind and Magic
by Israel Regardie

Initiation Into Hermetics
by Franz Bardon

The Practice of Magickal Evocation
by Franz Bardon

Dark Moon Mysteries
by Timothy Roderick

The Witches Qabala
by Ellen Reed

The Mystical Qabalah
by Dion Ford

Sacred Sounds
by Ted Andrews
PlanetGeneral Woman's Spirituality

The Spiral Dance-A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of The Great Goddess
by Starhawk

Circle of Stones
by Judith Duerk

For-Giving - A Feminist Criticism of Exchange
by Genevieve Vaughan

PlanetFor Fun
The Mists of Avalon Series
By Marion Zimmer Bradley

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