Cartman's Corner

Welcome to my Eric Cartman page which is devoted entirely to my favorite SouthPark character!

A little about Cartman....

NAME: ERIC THEODORE CARTMAN (voice of Trey Parker)
LIKES: Cheesy Poofs, Snacky Cakes, Chocolate Chicken Pot Pie, Powdered Doughnut Pancake Surprise, dressing in women's clothes
DISLIKES: Tree-hugging hippie crap, being called fat-ass, rainbows, French people
FAMOUS QUOTES: Kickass!, Sweet!, Respect my authoritah!, I'm not fat, I'm big boned! or I'm not fat, I'm getting in shape!, Beefcake! Beefcake!
PETS: Fluffy, the pot-bellied pig, and Kitty

Some favorite episodes

In the very first episode, Cartman is abducted by aliens and given an anal probe.

In the second episode, Cartman beefs up for his big TV debut with Kathie Lee Gifford.

Click here and respect my authoritah!!

Some Favorite SouthPark Links

SouthPark Information Center
Dancing Cartman
Awesome Southpark

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