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Fantasy Artists
Fun Stuff
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~~~~Welcome to Nightharp Creations~~~ Welcome to Nightharp Creations. Here you will find a variety of creative expressions including poetry, short stories, hand made jewelry (to be added again later in time), fantasy artists, created graphics, and soon to be much more including written essays, novels in progress, caligraphy, etc. Please note that all written work here is original, and is credited to the author, the authors pen name, or as anonymous by the author's disgression.

Along with the creative artistic pages here at Nightharp Creations, you will find several other pages that will be either useful, interesting, or entertaining in some way or another:
Everything found on the "Fun Stuff" pages are sites, quizes, etc. that I've found over time.
Under the "Links" section you will find various sites that are related to this site, or are useful and informative of different topics.

  • April 14th,2006~ More poetry has been added to the poetry page. Stories, and graphics will come along shortly as they are written and compiled.
  • March 14th, 2006~ After another long absence, and sorting out of time I'm finally back. I've changed the music to this page and have deleted the Jewelry page for now because I don't have the time to devote to it right now. I am adding in collected poetry and such now. More updates are on their way.
  • September 11th,2005~ Color schemes are set, and I've changed the jewelry page. A few photos have been added to give examples of my work as well.
  • September 10th, 2005~All of the pages are up and running. I will be changing the color schemes to soon to allow each page to have their own scheme, and the poetry, stories, and links will be added in the near future!
  • September 9th, 2005~ After a long absence, I'm finally able to work on more pages. I updated or fixed the pages previously created and added the Fantasy Artists' Page.
  1. Add Stories
  2. Add poetry
  3. Add in various links.
  4. Web ring
  5. To create the E-bay store
  6. much more in the future!

Now Playing~ Enya "Boadicea"
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