Chapter V: The Fellowship of the Ring
Aldamir and Haldir, accompanied by seven other Elves, took the Fellowship deep into Lorien, beyond fear of an orc attack. When night fell, they took
them up onto a flet high in the trees; they could see that the Halflings could not go any further without rest, and it was difficult for the others,
too. Haldir now formally welcomed each member of the Fellowship - the Elf first, of course.

� Mae govannen, Legolas Thranduilion, � he said evenly.

� Govannas vin gwennin le, Haldir o Lorien, � replied Legolas.

Haldir turned to Aragorn.
� A Aragorn in Dunedain, istannen le ammen. �

Aragorn bowed.

Aldamir almost smiled when he thought of Haldir now, greeting the strangers, compared to Haldir being his normally cheerful self.
�It�s always that way,� he realized. �We�re very formal to people of other races, as opposed to other Elves.

He noticed suddenly that the dwarf was getting increasingly

�So much for the legendary courtesy of the Elves!� he grumbled. �Speak something we can all understand!�

Aldamir turned away quickly, pressing his hand to mouth.

�We have not had dealings with the dwarves since the dark days.� Haldir spoke in cold even tones.

�And do you know what this dwarf says to that?
Ishkhaqwi ai durugnul!

Aldamir�s blood ran cold with fury. Gone were any traces of laughter. Now he had trouble keeping himself from bursting out with a sharp retort.

Haldir looked down at the dwarf. Aldamir could only see his back, but that was enough to tell him that Haldir was just as furious as him. He did not deign to reply, leaving Aragorn to remonstrate the dwarf.

Turning his back on the dwarf, Haldir gazed down at the dark-haired hobbit. He drew a deep breath. �You bring great evil with you,� he murmured. �You can go no further.�

The hobbit�s dejection was clearly visible. As the Fellowship dispersed, he sank down against a mallorn-trunk and drew his knees up. His head sank down onto them for a moment, and Aldamir�s heart ached for him. He too could feel this evil that Haldir spoke of, but in his heart he rebelled: would the Lady Galadriel turn away this weary, small being?

He was on the verge of trying to comfort the hobbit when he heard urgent, low voices. Aragorn was arguing earnestly with Haldir. Aldamir could barely hear the words, but by straining his ears, he heard enough to tell him that Aragorn was arguing on Frodo�s behalf.
� Frodo - that must be thesmall dark-haired one, � he thought. Aldamir looked back to Frodo. Frodo had raised his head and was looking to his friends for comfort, but one after the other, they dropped their gaze. Aldamir felt even more pain for Frodo. To have your friends look away when you were in such despair! He took a step
toward the hobbit, but a hand was laid swiftly on his shoulder.

� �va car�! � whispered Rumil. He nodded warningly toward Haldir. Aldamir frowned. He opened his mouth to argue, but just then Haldir came to the end of his conversation with Aragorn and turned to the two Elves.

�I need one of you,� he said quickly. �Aragorn is quite sure that he should be let through, but I am afraid to trust anyone without the Lady�s consent. Will one of you run quickly to Caras Galadhon and ask her?�

Aldamir glanced at Frodo quickly, and back to Haldir. �I will do it!�

� Hannon le! Be swift.�

Aldamir nodded, and turning, went swiftly down the ladder. Frodo looked up as he passed him, and for one instant Aldamir looked deep into the hobbit�s eyes. Then he descended, and the hobbit�s eyes passed out of sight. But the swift glance almost made Aldamir start. Frodo�s eyes were bluer than he had thought possible, like a deep well in which stars might be found. A clear, pure spirit shone in those eyes, as well as the memory of many things, both lovely and painful. Aldamir puzzled over the look in Frodo�s eyes for a long while after that.

He ran swiftly and soundlessly through Lorien, never pausing, leaping lightly over tinkling streams and mossy stones. He did not grow weary; though he ran for a couple hours to reach Caras Galadhon, he was barely out of breath. Entering the city�s gates, he ran swiftly up the many winding stairs and asked to be brought to the Lady Galadriel. His request was granted, and she received him graciously.

As he entered her chamber and bowed, she rose and asked him his errand. He told her of the Fellowship of many peoples that had come to Lorien, and Haldir�s question. She did not look surprised.

�Indeed Haldir may let them come to Caras Galadhon,� she said. �A messenger from Elrond of Rivendell has just come to me. This Fellowship you speak of was formed by Elrond himself, and they do not come as traitors, rather as friends. A few of them have been called Elf-friends.�

Aldamir bowed and thanked her, and she dismissed him.
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