Chapter XXXI: Rohan
Towards early morning, at the time when the horizon is just beginning to glow lighter than the rest of the inky-black sky, the D�nedain and the Elves came to the Fords of Isen. None of them knew the river, but they found it on Halbarad�s worn, much-used map, and discovered that they were not so far from Isengard itself.

Reining in his horse, Halbarad called for a short halt to water the horses.

As Aldamir stood by the river�s edge and let Fear�n drink of the clear water, he thought he heard, faintly and far ahead, the soft thudding of many horses� hooves, as of a small army. Frowning slightly, he listened again, intently, but this time heard nothing.

Dropping Fear�n�s reins, he knelt and pressed his ear to the earth. Immediately he could hear it, soft but distinct; a large company of horses and men riding away from them.

"What is it?" asked a voice above him. "Can you hear them?"

He looked up into Lindir�s face, and nodded as he got to his feet. "We�re not too far away now. I do not know if Aragorn is with them, but they are likely a company of the men native to this land. They would most likely know where he is."

"Good," said Lindir.

Aldamir nodded, and filled his water flask from the river. Cupping his hands and dipping them into the cold water, he drank several mouthfuls and stood up refreshed. The men were mounting and crossing the river, and fastening his flask by his belt, he swung easily onto Fear�n�s back. "Noro lim, my fine one," he whispered.

Fear�n rode into the river, the water splashing merrily about his hooves, and Aldamir looked up for a moment. The sky was still jet-black with small glittering stars; the moon was sinking low, and the eastern sky was slowly lightening. A think streak of orange was beginning to gain a foothold, a forerunner of the vivid, fiery colors that would blaze out when the sun rose. But as yet it was only a streak, licking at the horizon like fire licks at the twigs and dry grass before it becomes a blazing fire...

They caught up with the riders ahead of them an hour later. It was still dark when a man hailed them from about fifty paces off. "Halt! Halt!" he cried, and they knew that the company had their weapons at the ready. "Who rides in Rohan?"

Halbarad lifted his hand and the Rangers halted. "Stay here," he said to them. "I will go and speak with them. It is better that one walks to them than many ride up as if in war."

Dismounting, he handed the reins to one of the Rangers and went forward, his hand held up, palm outward, in a token of peace. "Rohan, did you say?" he called. "That is a glad word. We have been seeking that land for many long days..."

"You have found it," came the reply. "When you crossed the fords yonder, you entered it. But it is the realm of Th�oden the King. None ride here save by his leave. Who are you?"

"Halbarad D�nadan," answered Halbarad, "I am a Ranger of the North. "We seek one Aragorn son of Arathorn, and we heard that he was in Rohan."

"And you have found him also!" cried another voice which Aldamir recognized instantly. Aragorn himself ran forward and embraced Halbarad. "Of all joys you are the least expected!" he cried in delight.

Aldamir was relieved and glad, and the hand which had been warily on his knife-hilt fell away.

"All is well," Aragorn assured the man who had challenged them. "Here are some of my own kin from the far land where I dwelt. But why they come and how they be, Halbarad shall tell us."

"I have thirty with me," replied Halbarad. "That is all of our kindred that could be gathered in haste; but the brethren Elladan and Elrohir, and Aldamir and Lindir of L�rien, have ridden with us, desiring to go to the war. We rode as swiftly as we might when your summons came."

"But I did not summon you," said Aragorn, "save only in wish. My thoughts have often turned to you, and seldom more than tonight, yet I have sent no word. But come! All such matters must wait. You find us riding in haste and danger. Ride with us now, if the king will his leave."

Th�oden was glad of the news, and welcomed the Rangers and Elves warmly. "It is well!" he said. "If these kinsmen be in any way like to yourself, my lord Aragorn, thirty such knights will be a strength that cannot be counted by heads. And I know the strength of these Elves; even five of them can make a great difference."

Aldamir smiled.

From there they rode to Edoras; but Th�oden, �omer, and the Rohirrim left them soon after the Rangers had joined them. They rode southwards to Gondor, to give them aid in the war that would soon be upon them. Aragorn, however, had decided to take a different road. The Paths of the Dead, it was called, and Aldamir shivered when he heard the name from Lindir.

"Why does he wish to set foot on such a road?" he asked, distressed. "None have ever come through there alive."

"He has struggled with Sauron in thought," answered Lindir. "Elrohir told me of it; he has come into possession of a
palant�r, one of the seven, and as he gazed into it he saw many things, also Sauron. But he spoke of a great peril to Gondor which will come from the South, and if it is not averted very soon it is likely that the city will be taken in ten days. What the peril is I do not know, but he has chosen his road. Elrohir spoke to him of it; his father Elrond sent Aragorn a message referring to the Path. If you are in haste, he said, remember the Paths of the Dead."

Aldamir frowned. "Then indeed there is need of haste, but a man must be in great haste indeed if he will venture those accursed Paths. The Dead rein in those shadows; I fear if he sets foot in them he will never return."

"I have no great wish to go there," said Lindir. "But we have chosen this road, and if Aragorn will take those paths, we must follow to whatever fate awaits us."

Aldamir sighed. "You are right, Lindir; I will not shy away now. Maybe the Heir of Isildur has the strength.....I do not know."

They spoke no more of it.

Late that day they reached Edoras, a city of the Rohirrim, built onto a great, stony hill. It rose majestically from the middle of a wide plain, and at its very summit was built Meduseld, the Golden Hall of Rohan. The sun glinted on its golden roof as they rode forward, and Aldamir gazed at it in awe.

Passing through the gates, they rode through the dusty streets toward the Golden Hall. Aldamir looked about him as they went, and saw that the people drew back in fear as they passed. Women called their wide-eyed, staring children to them, and men gazed with distrustful and suspicious eyes. At first he was startled, and then, as he realized why, he smiled to himself. Of course..... these people were not accustomed to seeing a company of tall Rangers of the North and Elves in bright armour ride through their midst, out of the blue as it seemed. No wonder they reacted as they did...

But at the Hall they were welcomed warmly by a tall lady clad in white, and they learned that her name was �owyn, and that she was the princess of Rohan. Her hair was of a slightly pale, shining gold, and her eyes, which were deeply blue, seemed to mirror Rohan�s sky in their depths. She bore herself regally and proudly, every inch a maid of the Rohirrim. Looking upon her, Aldamir saw a great courage and a strong spirit within her; but he also saw that it was as if her wild, adventurous spirit was bound and placed behind bars. Through her smiles of welcome he saw a great frustration, and knew that she was forced against her will to curb her spirit and remain at home; and he pitied her.

But she showed no sign of her feelings and ushered them inside with warm words of welcome. "Come, my lords, and eat! You must be weary and thirsty from long riding; come and eat of the king�s table."

They bowed and thanked her, and that evening they dined in the Golden Hall of Meduseld.

The tables were laden with food and drink; none went hungry from that table. Smoke rose from the crackling fire in the hall�s center, and torches glowed and flickered in their brackets on the wall. Richly colored tapestries, depicting great scenes of Rohan�s history, hung upon the four walls of the hall, silken banners bearing the White Horse and other emblems hung from the beams above them, and coats-of-arms of Rohan�s many kings decorated the wall behind the throne. The pillars which rose from the floor and supported the high, beamed, arching roof were heavily carved with ornate golden patterns, intricate designs of intertwining beasts and vines; and at the top four horses� heads were carved from the wood. No corner of the hall was without some fantastic design wrought by the smiths and builders of old who had crafted the hall with skilled, loving hands.

Aldamir shook his head in wonder. Accustomed to the light, simple flets of the Galadhrim, the ornate, heavily carved Hall of Rohan filled him with awe. Never before had he seen such wild beauty crafted from wood.
It must have taken them many weeks and months to build a hall of such magnitude, he thought to himself, wondering.

Tearing his eyes from Meduseld�s beautiful interior, he turned to the food; yet he ate but little of it. He did not have need of much food, depending mostly upon lembas for nourishment, and gazed about at his surroundings as he ate a small portion of the repast before him. Looking to the head of the table, he saw that the Lady �owyn sat by Aragorn�s side and spoke long with him. He could not hear their words, but her eyes were shining as they conversed, and Aldamir guessed that he spoke to her of the victory of Helm�s Deep. But then he saw suddenly that she grew pale and distressed, and seemingly sought to dissuade him from something, and he knew that he had spoken to her of his resolve to take the Paths of the Dead......

They rested that night in Edoras, and early in the morning �owyn came to bid them farewell as they readied to depart. She was clad in shining mail, as a shieldmaiden of the Rohirrim, and a long sword was girt by her side. Her golden hair flowed down her back in a thick braid, and she was beautiful like a lily, but she was sad and troubled, and Aldamir could see upon her that she had not slept that night.

But she bid them farewell and gave Aragorn the stirrup-cup. He drank of it and wished her well, but she was full of grief and begged him to let her ride with him, yet he refused. And when he kissed her hand, leapt into the saddle and rode away without looking back, it seemed to Aldamir that he bore a great pain.

Away from Edoras they rode, and into the dark shadows of Dwimorberg, the Haunted Mountain, where the Paths of the Dead lay. As they rode the light was still grey about them, for the sun had not yet risen above the jagged peak of the mountain before them; the Door of the Dead. Passing through the lines of ancient stones, they came to a place where black trees loomed over them, their branches twisting together above their heads. Dread fell upon them all.

None spoke as they passed through the trees. A chill swept over Aldamir. He could feel the breath of the Dead hanging about them; the dark, hungry shadows seemed to want to entangle them and draw out their life. The subdued wind blowing through the black, leafless trees seemed to whisper of death; and he shuddered in fear.

And so they came to the Dimholt; and they found a hollow opening which led into the mountain�s black depths. A great stone lay in the pathway, a finger of doom, as it seemed. The horses would not go past it until they dismounted and led them. Passing it, they entered into the deep glen, and so came to the Door itself, in a great wall of sheer stone. It loomed before them like some evil mouth. Signs and writing too ancient to read were carved in the archway above it, and skulls had been set into the stone around it.

"This is an evil door," said Halbarad in a low voice, "and my death lies beyond it. I will dare to pass it nonetheless; but no horse will enter."

"But we must go in," said Aragorn, "and therefor the horses go too. For if ever we come through this darkness, many leagues lie beyond, and every hour that is lost there will bring the triumph of Sauron nearer. Follow me!"

With a firm and steady step he went forward, leading his mount Roheryn, and passed through the Door. The Rangers followed him, as did Legolas and Gimli the Dwarf.

Then Aldamir dismounted and laid his hand on Fear�n�s bridle to lead him through the darkness. But the horse trembled and shied away, terrified. Aldamir stroked him and spoke to him in Elvish; words that fell quietly on the horse�s ear and faded into the shadows. Then Fear�n hesitantly stepped forward, and Aldamir passed through the Door of the Dead and into the black shadows beyond.....
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