function makeArray() { this.length = makeArray.arguments.length; for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) this[i + 1] = makeArray.arguments[i]; } function makeSlideShow (obj, wait, pre, url) { this.curText = ''; this.posit = 1; this.word = obj; this.length = obj.length; this.pre = pre; this.wait = wait; this.url = url; this.display = displaySlideShow; } function displaySlideShow() { if (this.posit <= this.length) { this.curText = this.word[this.posit] outStringWord = blankFrameTop + this.pre + this.curText + blankFrameBottom; parent.draw.location = 'javascript:parent.outStringWord'; this.posit++; } else { doneLoop = true; top.location = this.url; } } function displayLoop() { if (!doneLoop) reDraw = setTimeout('displayLoop()', wordIntro.wait); wordIntro.display(); } var words = new makeArray ('Shalom/Peace, ', 'Hackers destroyed this site Geocities (which notified did nothing to avoid/repair!)
has changed its Internet Server to ', '
VILA.BOL.COM.BR ', 'our new address is...', '

Please wait, our new page is loading...'); var wordIntro = new makeSlideShow (words, 2500, '

', ''); var blankFrameTop = ''; var blankFrameBottom = ''; var blankFrame = blankFrameTop + blankFrameBottom; var doneLoop = false;

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