Cell Phone Radiation

See important notes; cancer risks to adults, teenagers and to children. Find out where to order the radiation shield, please click here
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Australian doctor claims proof that mobile phones are bad for health 
Dr Bruce Hocking, a specialist in occupational and environmental medicine, yesterday presented three case studies, examining the claims of people who believed mobile phones might be responsible for their neurological symptoms
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Class Action Suit Filed Against Cell-Phone Makers
Peter Angelos filed class action lawsuits against Motorola, Verizon Wireless, and 23 other wireless companies in Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York on Thursday, charging that the companies knew of health risks, including the possibility of brain tumors to cell-phone users, but failed to warn them. 
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Cell phone suit will get its day in court
In ruling that could shake the cell phone industry, a federal judge let stand a lawsuit that says companies are making and selling cell phones with the knowledge that they may be dangerous.
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. A Maryland neurologist filed an $800 million lawsuit against cell phone companies for his malignant brain tumor 
Dr. Christopher Newman, a 41 year old Baltimore neurologist, blames cell phone companies for his malignant brain tumor. He was diagnosed with
brain cancer in 1998 and can no longer work as a result of his disease.
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Researchers concerned about cell phone radiation effect on children and teenagers
Researchers concerned about cell phone radiation effect on children and teenagers because their brain and nervous system are still growing. The percentage of teenagers using cell phones rose from 15% to 35% in 1999 and is projected to reach 70% in 2002. Also, the number of transmitters existing very near schools and residences is also a cause for concern.
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Business man diagnosed with brain cancer
Gibb Brower, 41-year-old, was diagnosed with brain cancer in the area where he held the cell phone close to his head. Mr. Brower has a predicted two-year life expectancy, has filed law suits against cell phone manufacturers Motorola and Sony companies. 
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There is no doubt in my mind that the cell phone is linked to my eye cancer
Last October, I started to use a mobile phone quite heavily, for technical support calls sometimes lasting 90 minutes or more. This March, I was diagnosed with melanoma near my left eye
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Suggestions of excessive mortality from brain cancers among wireless phone users
When you talk on your mobile phone, your voice is transmitted from the antenna as radio frequency radiation (RFR) between 800MHz and 1,990MHz (range of microwave radiation).
This information is consistent with findings by the Wireless Technology Research (WTR) group's chairman, Dr. George Carlo: "We have suggestions of excessive mortality from brain cancers among wireless phone users, and we have very clear evidence of a statistically significant higher risk of neuroepithelial tumors." 
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Important Notes:
  • Tobacco companies do not acknowledge that smoking causes lung cancer. 

  • Do you think the manufacturers of cellular phones will admit their products cause brain cancer?
  • Children are at risk because they have thinner skulls, smaller heads, and their nervous systems are still developing, making them more vulnerable to radiation effects from cellular (mobile) phones. Read full story
  • Children and teenagers can easily use their friends' cellular (mobile) phones. 

  • Don't assume that because you don't buy their cellular phones, your children are not using them!
  • Best way to protect your children is to order the radiation shields to place them on any cellular phones used by them.

Where to Find "Radiation Shields":
  • Local telephone distributors
  • Local pharmacy
  • Stores for medical supplies
If your local distributor or local store does not sell "Radiation Shields", perhaps 
you should tell them about it!

If you can't find the cellular (mobil) phone radiation shield at above stores, you are welcome to contact us, we would be happy to help you. 

Inquiries on how to become a distributor for "Radiation Shields", please click here

P.O. BOX 748
Lake Forest, CA 92630
(949) 472-3767


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