Full Name: Brian Molko

Date of Birth: 10th December 1972

Nationality: American/Scottish

Marital Status: Single

Parts played in the band:  Guitars, Vocals, Bass

Influence's in Music
: Sonic Youth, PJ Harvey, Nick Drake
         Brian was born on the 10th of December 1972 to Scottish and American parents. Brian's father was an international banker and he spent most of his child hood traveling round Europe from Liberia to Luxembourg. He was then sent to an American school in Luxembourg where he was by his own accounts an outsider. He wasn't hugely popular and he preferred drama to sport. Brian used to wear makeup at school from the age of 13 and he has maintained to wear it to this day (not the same stuff he put on then though). Stefan was also at the same school as Brian although they didn't actually know each other as Stefan hung out with all the popular people and was a jock and Brian was a loser (as he put it himself).

         Brian moved to England when he was 17 to pursue his career in rock and roll, Brian's dad did not like this however as he would have preferred him to have become a banker but Brian was adamant he was going to have something to do with showbiz.  Brian studied Drama at Goldsmiths and graduated from High School in 1990.

         Brian's sexuality and look has been somewhat publicized in the press more so than his music, however Brian's sexuality remains bi-sexual.

         Brian has been compared to David Bowie in recent years but with the realize of the new album "Black Market Music" you will see the music is nothing of that of David Bowie's.

          Brian is a no longer strict vegetarian and which he has been for some years.
Brian Molko
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