The Hades Saga
It all begins when Dohko is sitting on top of the Rozan Mountains in China and starts narrating that Athena locked a great evil and that her seal is getting weaker. After her seal vannishes, the 108 evil stars with Hades to command them to take control of the world and fill it with darkness and chaos. Meanwhile, at the Sanctuary, some of the guards are asleep in a dark night when Nachi, and Ichi show up and berate them, then in their conversation they say that Athena is asleep on the 13th house of the Sanctuary where the patriarch lives. Then in Athena's room a hooded man shows up and wakes up Athena telling her that he's Hades. Then the man takes out a scythe and tries to cut off her head. Back in China, Dohko contemplates the thought that the sacred battle is about to happen again and already knows that Hades' first move is go for Athena's head. Back at the Sanctuary, Ichi and Nachi hear a scream and when they run to the source, they find the guards unconcious and a hooded man next to them. They attack the hooded man, but aren't able to hit him. They look closely at him and see that his face has no skin...he's already dead! Another hooded man shows up, but Jabu also shows up and knocks all of them down and they dissapear. Inside the first house (Aries), another spectre shows up and tells Mu to kneel down before him. Mu recognizes him and obeys. Then the spectre tells Mu to bring him Athena's head, but Mu declines and a couple of more spectres show up. Then at the Sanctuary's cementary, Shaina and two guards look at the graves and see that some were oppened from the inside and wonder who could be capable of doing that. Shaina comes to the conclusion that only someone who can control the dead would be able to do that. Back at Mu's Temple, the two spectres reveal their identities and are Aprodite and Death Mask. They pledged their alliegence to Hades who gave them a new life. They take off their coats completely and reveal that the got new armors. Mu thinks that they are Gold Armors, but darker. Death Mask explains that they are armors given to them by Hades, and that they are called 'Sapuris'. Aprodite tells Mu to get out of the way, but Mu stands in front of them to block their way, the creates a Crystal Wall. Death Mask uses a new technique called 'Hades' Waves', but Mu reflects it with his wall. Aphrodite then uses his Black Roses, but suffer the same fate as the previous attack. Back at the Mountains, Dohko tells Shunrei that he must go and decides not to tell her where or why, he wants Shunrei to live happily with Shiryu. Dohko leaves by dissapearing mysteriously. In Mu's Temple, The mysterious hooded man orders Mu to lower his wall and before Mu decides whether to do it or not, the hooded man breaks his wall. After doing this, he orders Death Mask and Aphrodite to bring him Athena's Head. Mu stands in front of them, but is hit by Death Mask. Mu gets up and tells them that his mission as the Aries Gold Saint is to protect the Temple of Aries and prepares to fight. Death Mask prepares his technique again, but is hit from behind. The mysterious man who hit Death Mask is none other than Seiya who asks Mu why hasn't he made quick work out of them. Seiya then looks at Death Mask and Aphrodite and asks Mu if they're ghosts. Mu tells him that they have been ressurected by Hades and Seiya is confused. Mu explains that Hades is infinitely more powerful than Ares or Poseidon and wants to conquer the world. To stop this, Athena and her Saints are going to have to fight his evil. Seiya understands and figures out that the Gold Saints didn't go to fight Poseidon because they were getting ready for Hades. Mu asks Seiya why he is here and Seiya answers that he came to talk to Marin, but on the way he felt a strange cosmo and decided to check. Mu tells Seiya to get out of there, and that the Sanctuary is not a place for people like him. At the mountains Shiryu asks where Dohko went and decides that he probably went to the Sanctuary and decides to go himself. In Siberia, Hyoga meditates near his mother's grave and feels a great cosmo in the direction that the Sanctuary is in. At the Kiddo mansion, Shun wonders where his brother is and thinks about Seiya who went to Greece to find out if Marin is trully his sister and feels that same cosmo. Tatsumi then tells Shun that they (the Bronze Saints who fought Poseidon) are prohibited from entering the Sanctuary and that if they do they would die. Back at Mu's, Mu tells Seiya once again that he should leave, that Athena ordered that the Bronze Saints who entered the Sanctuary should be killed, but Seiya tells him that he wants to hear it out of Athena's lips. Seiya runs past Mu and to the exit that leads to the next house, but Mu hits him and so does Death Mask. Death Mask tries to stomp Seiya's head, but Seiya catches his foot and knocks him away, then he uses the time to put on the Pegasus Armor. Seiya attacks Death Mask and knocks him down. Then both Saints prepare their special attacks, the Pegasus Meteor Punch and Hades' Waves, but Mu gets in the way and knocks Seiya down. Seiya, falling asks Mu why and Mu repeats that Athena ordered it and Seiya says Saori's name (Athena) and colapses. In Athena's room, Saori wonders why she heard Seiya's voice, but then comes to the conclusion that if Seiya was at the Sanctuary he would be in her room already. Then a stranger asks her if she's awake and Athena asks what he's doing in her room. Back at Mu's, Seiya tries to get up and asks Mu if what he said is true. Death Mask stomps on Seiya, but is smacked away by Mu who claims that he'll take care of Seiya. He tells Seiya to rest in peace and uses his Starlight Extinction and Seiya is surrounded  by light and after a while, his body vanishes. Aphrodite and Death Mask watch in amazement, but the mysterious hooded man isn't surprised. He asks Mu where he sent Seiya, but Mu says nothing, he then tells Aphrodite and Death Mask to bring him Athena's head, but Mu gets in the way once again. He berates Mu and Mu replies saying that he not only must protect the Temple of Aries, and although he won't face him, he will kill Aphrodite and Death Mask with his own hands.
Volume 19a
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