From Odile, spouse of deGruy, to Colonel Louis Derbes, husband of Claire ? and son of Charles, in Toulon, father of Josephe, born in 1881 who lives in Toulon.


                                                                                                                                                                        New Orleans, July 29, 1917


My dear Louis,


Your letter dated June 20, reached me on July 23. I could tell you how much pleasure it gave me. I would say that even my children, not having the pleasure to know you, have shared my joy and from hand to hand, the letter was read, followed by one thousand and one questions concerning all of you and the beautiful country of France. It is useless to add that I wrote a long narrative of all of you and of your dear country, so much that they have an itchy desire to see all of you. If it was not fro this horrible war and for mostly these frightening submarines. I would not be surprised that two of them would go ahead with their plan and definitely I would have joined them despite my 69 years! Can you see me crossing the ocean to see you and kiss all of you before I die. What an illusion! Lets pray sincerely and keenly for the end of this massacre, specially now when our American sons will add to the number of casualties. Thank God, so far my three sons are above the required age for the draft. But when the draft age will be extended, will they be among the rows of draftees? God have pity for us.

Now I come to explain your request. You ask me the number of my children. Well, I am left with two. I had fourteen children and I assure you that by this deed, my youth had much sadness.

In October 1856, I got married: Octave was the best of husbands and his death on July 14, 1915 has left me with a very big emptiness. More, for the last two years, he was stricken with a stroke and he remained paralyzed. During the last year of his life, he was completely impotent and he was asking for my care at all times. He suffered a lot, but with a sublime resignation helped and strengthened by the sacraments of the Church.

As I was telling you above, my youth has been saddened by continual losses of my children, and their long and painful sicknesses. As you can see, I have six angels in Heaven. I hope they pray for us.

At least God blessed me with the children he left me. Laurence, my oldest daughter, is married and has eight children. Her husband is Swiss and his name is Gubler. She is perfectly happy. Two of her sons are in the Seminary and are studying to become priests. She has three girls and five boys. My second daughter Edwidge, married Morgan Villarubia. She had six children, but one of them, at 18 years old, young child has been cowardly slain in “Hot Springs”. Lisette, the third daughter who is determined to go to France, is not married and she is a professor at one of the many public schools. Teaching jobs are in demand and asking lots of aptitudes. Joseph, with Albin calling him an “artistic writer” is married, has three children and has a great job with a government bank. With his job, he is exempt from the military draft. He also think to escort us across the ocean. Raoul is a pharmacist, has a nice wife and two very nice children, a boy and a girl. Louis just had his third child and now he has two girls and a boy. Anita, (Mrs. Gaudet) has also three girls. Finally, Odette, the last one is not married.

What a list! Will you have the patience to read all this? Our American family is very large, you can judge it. I now realize that I placed my page upside down, what a distraction. At my age it is not forgiven.

Elodie lives now in New Orleans, but she always lived in the country. Having been a young widow from Hippolyte Gilly, she remarried with S. Achee and has raised a relatively large family of eight children, four boys and four girls. One of the girls is a nun and all the others are married. Marie, our youngest sister was a nun and died in August 1914. Rodolphe had two boys and he never had a girl. Edouard died at a young age, leaving a young woman and two small children. Stephen lives and has a numerous following. I do not think I omitted somebody.

Jeanne, to whom I gave back the birth certificate of her father you sent it to her with kindness, spend several hours with us and we spoke all about all of you. She showed me your photo and having two photos, she agreed to leave me one. Did you know that you became a beautiful boy since my departure! You are in all your youth at the time the photo was taken. I would lie to have your actual photos if it is possible. Albin and me have exchanged our photos and he has also become attractive. The photo of all my family which was sent to him is horrible and constantly my children to have sent such an ugly work. We still are planning to make more photos, but we continually postponing.

Being a little late, let me congratulate you for your promotion, mainly your decoration. I know the price of the red ribbon on the lapel and I cannot stop complimenting you.

The devotion of your youngest daughter, the name I do not know, is also worth of admiration. Her self-denial and devotion command the respect and deserve all the praises. Kiss her well for me as well as my good cousin Josephe and her two cherubs.

All my children depend on me to tell you the desire to know you all and they join me to kiss you with all our heart. I kiss you with all the fondness of a devoted cousin.



Write soon if you have free time. Can you unscramble me? I fear you cannot.